This is a reference for Nebojsa Nick Djeric

Design your job

The training activity took place
in Vrbas, Serbia
organised by Centre for youth and social development “IN MEDIAS RES” from Kać, Serbia
from 26 April to 05 May 2013
Reference person

Mirkovic Milan

(Co - trainer)
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Aims & objectives

Youth in Action Programme, Training Course Action 3.1 has implemented in period from 26 April to 05 May 2013 in Vrbas, Serbia, with participants from European programme countries and neighbouring partner countries.

Training course by name „Design Your Job“ was about developing new knowledge’s and skills in web design techniques for participants who are unemployed young people or work with unemployed young people.

The main goal of our training course “Design your job” was to improve and increase knowledge, learning methods and experiences of participants, which they can use in their everyday work with unemployed young people including them in active local community life.

Objectives on our training course were:
- to encourage excluded young people with a low standard of living (to play an important role in their communities)
- to encourage young people with economic obstacles (specially young people with a low standard of living)
- to exchange our experiences in as a most significant values working with youth with fewer opportunities
- to offer learning methods of formal and non formal education to participants for improving inclusion of excluded groups of young people with a low standard of living
- to contribute unemployed young people own development of capabilities and skills in finding job using web design techniques.

Activities on training course were:
- Introduction to HTML – history, basic syntax, using basic text editor to create html documents;
- Introduction to Dreamweaver, site definition, automatic code generation; CSS elements, margins, padding, internal vs. external CSS styles; Creating a personal website;
- Introduction to CMS, examples and Joomla;
- Introduction to Adobe Illustrator;
- Creating basic webpage elements (buttons, background, banners);
- Presentation of YIA Programme possibilities

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Target group on our training course were: youth workers, youth leaders, NGO activists, school teachers, social workers and all people actively involved in work with unemployed young people (young people with a low standard of living).

This project with the title “Design your job” was an intensive 10 days lasting training course.

In total 20 participants from Serbia, Macedonia, Spain Italy, Ukraine and Turkey took part in the Training Course. The working language of the Training Course was English.

Training methods used & main activities

Within the training course a composition of sessions using methods non-formal education was providing the participants step by step with theory, tools and skills for the realization of web page design.

The implemented activities were presented through non formal education and learning web techniques design sessions.

The applied methods were: non-formal way of learning. This includes: games, ice-breakers, team building exercises, individual and group activities, work on practical examples in small groups, educative workshops about the topic of this training course.

The team of 2 experienced trainers followed approved program activities. We adopted all our activities to the participants and their level of knowledge and experiences. Some changes in the program activities were due to the active participation of the participants who proposed games, energizers and short educative sessions related to the topic of the daily program.

The proposed activities were supervised and evaluated by the trainers team in order to develop concretely web design techniques, the intercultural and non formal skills of the participants.

Outcomes of the activity

Idea of this project was to educate participants with the necessary knowledge and skills of basic web design techniques that will be used in their further work with their beneficiaries. In this way, unemployed young people will get more opportunities for finding job.

Participants actively took part in creating/making final product of our activities which was presented on the last day of our training course.

Final product of our training course was creation of design your job web page. Participants together with an assistance of team of trainers were created a brand new web page.

After training course, obligation of participants/partner organizations is to fill in that page with their own contents/information (activities of their organization, programs etc…) and to maintain/refresh that page at least ones per month.

Short video made by participants:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

In this training course I worked as a trainer with my colleague Milan Mirkovic, Ph.D. ICT expert, researcher and web developer (

In total two trainers from Serbia delivered program activities using an interactive and participatory approach method.

Training course supported by European Commission and Youth in Action Programme and organized by Centre for youth and social development “IN MEDIAS RES” from Kać, Serbia (

I worked on this training for 10 days as a full time trainer.

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