This is a reference for Nebojsa Nick Djeric

Creative Youth Self Initiative

The training activity took place
in Novi Sad, Serbia
organised by NGO Art Mreza
from 1 - 9 of April 2012
Reference person

Zeljka Milosevic

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

Training Course, Action 3.1 by name “Creative Youth - Self Initiative“ was held from 1st to 9th of April 2012 in Novi Sad, Serbia.

The main goal of our training course “Creative Youth - Self Initiative“ was to offer to participants new art techniques and learning methods for better access of unemployed young people to the new ways of self employment.

The main topics of the training course were:
- Youth in Action Programme advocacy
- Creating art
– Art recycling, making cardboard furniture
- Making Art Network
- Social Inclusion Theory

Idea was to show that there is possibility to solve certain problem with application of creative methods and art. This art activity can lead to solution or point out a problem that can be resolved by working on it afterwards.

Objectives were:
- to stimulate unemployed young people's mobility and active participation in local society.
- to stimulate young people's spirit of initiative, their ability to think imaginatively and originally.
- to promote the access of unemployed young people to the Youth in Action Programme.
- to raise young people's awareness and mobilization around global environmental challenges and climate change
- to encourage the development of "green" skills and behaviors among young people and youth workers and their commitment to a more sustainable growth.
- to increase awareness of the value and importance of volunteering as a form of active engagement and as a tool to develop and improve competences for personal, social and professional development.
- promotion of volunteering as a way of active social participation, and a way to acquire knowledge and skills useful for persons' professional development.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Target group on our training course were people actively involved in work with unemployed young people (youth workers, youth leaders, play workers, NGO activists, school teachers, social workers, volunteers).

The 16 countries were involved in this project: Serbia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy,Latvia, Macedonia, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation and Turkey.

Total number of participants was: 32

Training methods used & main activities

Training methods used in this training course were combination of informal learning and non-formal education. The working methods of this training course were name games, energizers, team building games, different educative art workshops and exercises that are promoting social inclusion, role plays, inputs, individual and small group presentations, discussions in plenary, study visit, NGO fair of partner promoters, best practice projects presentations and creating the concrete project ideas in small working groups.

Activities on our training course were: drawing, art energizers, work on individual and group art/design, painting, art recycling, making cardboard furniture, making video, spending time in nature and contact with nature.

Outcomes of the activity

Training Course was about using creative methods and art for promoting the access of unemployed young people to the new ways of self employment.

On this training course, we wanted to Increase knowledge, learning methods and experiences of participants, which they can use in everyday work for unemployed youth helping them to take self initiative which will lead to their self employement.

Read more about project:

Short video about project on: reportage on:

Theater evaluation of participants on:

Training course has supported by European Commission and Youth in Action Programme and organized by NGO “Art Mreza” from Novi Sad, Serbia (Art Network (

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My role in this training course was trainer. For this training course were active two international trainers from Serbia and Romania.

My role as a trainer was to introduce participants with Youth in Action Programme and promote the concepts of non-formal education and informal learning involving the participants actively in the prepared programme and art activities.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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