This is a reference for Aldo Perez

Creating a Safe Space

The training activity took place
in Vilnius, Lithuania
organised by YES - Young European Socialists
01.03 - 04.03.2018

Aims & objectives

- To create a common understanding of what Safe Space means
- To create a common ground on the potential, responsibilities and the limits of a safe space as a concept, and of the members of a safe space team.
- To create possible strategies to tackle common challenges regarding safe space.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group were young people between 18 to 30 years old, who are members of a socialist or social democratic youth organization (and members of YES-Young European Socislists) in their respective countries. Further on, it focused on participants who would be willing to work in the creating of a safe space in the activities of their respectives organisations, but also for activities from YES, specially the Summer Camp.
The participants came from the following countries: Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Ireland and Belgium.

Training methods used & main activities

After a getting-to-know session, we kicked off with a Political barometer, with participants placing themselves across the room expressing either rejection, or agreement (or any degree inbetween) to statements related to safe space. After each statement we had a discussion on pros- and cons. Other methods used were participants taking the role of a participant during another activity (for example a summer camp), creating a situation in which they would disturb the safe space in various degrees. Other participants from the seminar would take the role of a member of the safe space team and would decide on how to deal with the issues. Roles were later switched. We finally reflected on the results. We also had a brainstorming session on all possible issues that could be a matter of safe space according to participants, we then decided together over each issue on whether it was part of a safe space policy or not and why.

Outcomes of the activity

Despite differences in understanding and values, we created a common framework for the creation of a safe space during a political activity. We also formulated clear guidelines on the tasks and limits of a safe space, with awareness of grey zones and the necessary sensitivity. At the end there were also suitable volunteers to continue working on this issue.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was responsible for the creation of the training content, in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Young European Socialists regarding their an discrimination and their anti- sexual harassment policy. After the seminar, I was also asked to give an assessment of suitable candidates to continue their work as members of a safe space team within activities from YES.

I worked on this training for 4 days as a full time trainer.

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