This is a reference for Mihaela Onofras

Contact Making Seminar: CHAlleNGE – what does it take?

The training activity took place
in Lecce, Italy
organised by InsightEPD
23-28 February, 2015
Reference person

Salvi Greco

(co-trainer; organiser)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

Purpose of the seminar: to define what a support system for change-makers could look like and start building it in partnership.
- help understand why changes happen, the process of change and its implications in different systems - individual, social and environmental
- help change makers understand the transition process
- help understand and find ways to deal with demotivating or disrupting circumstances at a personal and community level
- help find tools and skills to turn threats and weaknesses into strengths and opportunities
- help identify and maintain their motivation to make a change about oneself and in the community

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

26 Change-Makers representing 11 organizations from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Rep. Moldova, Romania, UK.

Training methods used & main activities

Methodology: the seminar was based on “non formal learning” methodology. With following and applying NFL principles, we tryed to create a working&living environment where every single person could have the proper time and space to express oneself, to be fully and actively part of the seminar and its process. Having also “The Art of Hosting” as methodological reference, the working sessions, in terms of contents and time, were (un)structured in a way that allows every participant to choose what to work on, to propose ideas, workshops, to be responsible for his/her own seminar experience, process. The working process was a combination of Open Space technology and other non-formal methods.

Outcomes of the activity

As a result of the seminar, a network of organization interested in supporting change-makers at the local level was created. Few projects related to the change-process were developed and are planned to be implemented for the next deadlines.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

As part of the core initiative group I took part in the application writing, communication with the partners and participants, development of the methodology, facilitation of the sessions and we are at the state of report drafting.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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