This is a reference for Sue Dudill

Combating Youth Violence

The training activity took place
in Manchester, UK
organised by Wild Cherry Training & Education
27th April to 3rd May 2012
Reference person

Tsvetina Zaharlieva

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives


• To motivate and inspire youth workers and organisations with new ideas in order to safeguard young people against violence, stemming from shared best practice on a European level thus resulting in a renewed vigour and determination in their work

• To empower the participants with tools and methodologies which they can use to develop their practical work to great effect and to the advantage of not only the young people they support, but also the wider community they serve

• To develop a virtual network for future cooperation leading to the increase in the number of projects within the Youth in Action Programme with a focus on those with fewer opportunities


To explore the risks and causes of exclusion on a transnational level in the context of the countries the participants all represent

To discuss the concept of violence and its consequences, the justification (if any) for using it and what constitutes 'right' and 'wrong'

To investigate the necessity of justice and what constitutes 'fair' justice

To provide a platform for shared good practice through non-formal learning, with a focus on preventative methods to be used on a local level

To create a space which scaffolds a network for future cooperation on a European level

To raise awareness of the Youth in Action Programme and its processes with a particular focus on those with fewer opportunities and how international youth work can effectively help to reduce the instances of youth offending and protect others from its consequences

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Youth workers from France, Italy, Bulgaria, Finland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Poland, Turkey, Austria, Estonia, and the UK took part in the training.

Training methods used & main activities

The educational approach to learning was based on the idea of social constructive learning which supports the belief that this is most effective when it connects the learner to former experiences and knowledge. With this style topics can be more effectively explored and shared within the group in order to meet its aims and objectives. To facilitate this we used non-formal methods in our learner-centred approach which included such activities for example as addressing the de-nesting aspect to enable peer education to be used to full advantage, small and large group work to further the chance to multiply the learning opportunities, drama and active participation throughout. Authenticity coupled with respect and empathy according to Carl Rogers, American Psychologist, forms the three core characteristics that help to create an effective learning environment and this was at the heart of the delivery. In creating a dynamic and innovative programme we considered all learning styles and all 8 multiple intelligences in some way or other to ensure that the needs of the learners were considered; auditory, visual and kinaesthetic aspects were be blended and included as appropriate. We incorporated Total Physical Response activities throughout the week and they were particularly in evidence during the icebreaking and energising moments. The opportunity to receive a Youthpass called on the intrapersonal intelligence of those who reflect on their competences and how they have developed during the week and also clearly in the personal and group reflection moments. Accelerated Learning is a model of learning that creates an environment and teaching processes to enable learners to move beyond limiting beliefs and misconceptions and tap into their hidden potential and with this in mind, Suggestopedia, a method, developed back in the 1970s by Georgi Lasanov, Bulgarian educator, was integrated into the process to provide a moment of self analysis and open up the minds of the participants to new possibilities. Ultimately, we ensured that the cornucopia of learning opportunities were meaningful and monitorable, that this unique space was generative and produced new ideas for the learners that were achievable and that through some challenging and memorable tasks the objectives were realised to the full.

Outcomes of the activity

The outcomes were more than we expected in terms of the wealth of tools and methodologies that were made available to the group, both through trainer input but also their own contributions. Out of this we can see that approximately 18 new projects are being developed involving over 150 partnerships which we are delighted about.

They Twittered :

We Twittered:!/WildCherry50

We Facebooked it:

We blogged daily on our Wild Cherry website:

They promoted it too! :

And we put it on Youth Space:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My role was that of trainer, facilitator and host.

I worked on this training for 7 days days as a full time trainer.

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