This is a reference for Carles Cunill

Collaborative Consumption, The New Tool for Youth Work

The training activity took place
in Barcelona
organised by La Vibria Intercultural
20 - 26 February 2014

Aims & objectives

• To raise awareness of the existing platforms and initiatives of collaborative consumption (CC) and ways to apply them in youth work through experimentation
• To promote values of participation and active citizenship through the CC
• To combat poverty and social exclusion using new tools to alternative consumption
• To create a community of youth workers active in protecting the environment, studing the possibility to create a European network
• To encourage the use of new technologies on youth work and to exploit internet resources
• To match youth workers from different countries through coexistence and teamwork
• To build and strengthen partnerships between organizations across Europe
The methodology will be based on non-formal education, integrating highly innovative elements based on CC and valuing the knowledge and experience of the participants and facilitating cultural exchange through concrete activities.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Youth workers, coordinators of youth associations, camp leaders and youth leaders, and local volunteers from NGOs across Europe.

Countries involved:
Slovakia, Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Germany, Hungary, Spain

Training methods used & main activities

The methodology was based on non-formal education, integrating highly innovative and experimental elements based on CC and valuing the knowledge and experience of the participants and facilitating cultural exchange through concrete activities.

Outcomes of the activity

Learning through practical experience and non-formal education methods about Collaborative Consumption, enabled participants to learn about the benefits of living in a society based on the values ​​of sharing, far from being a theorethical reflexion the TC provided tools that participants will be able to use in their daily work, back home participants allready organised some of them as innovative redistribution markets, crowdfunding campaigns or time banking based activities.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was organiser and full time trainer on this TC.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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