This is a reference for Katerina Chantzi

Climathon 2022 Tallinn

The training activity took place
in Tallinn, Estonia
organised by Cleantech Estonia
Reference person

Hanna Ess

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Aims & objectives

The training activity aimed to boost innovation in the cleantech sector and solve environmental issues. It addressed the need for increased awareness of climate challenges and the necessity for citizens to actively engage in finding solutions. The training activity aligned with the goals of the organization by fostering citizen participation, disrupting traditional approaches, and promoting a rethinking of our living environments to create a sustainable future.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group of the Climathon Tallinn activity comprises individuals worldwide who are passionate about addressing environmental challenges and have innovative solutions or are interested in joining teams with existing solutions. Participants may come from diverse backgrounds such as environmental science, engineering, entrepreneurship, and community activism. They share a common goal of contributing to sustainability and cleantech innovation.

Countries and nationalities involved in the activity include Italy, Turkey, Estonia, Pakistan, Greece, Latvia, the Philippines, and the United Kingdom. This international participation enriches the diversity of perspectives and experiences brought to the event, fostering cross-cultural collaboration and the exchange of ideas on a global scale.

Training methods used & main activities

he training methods used in Climathon Tallinn likely incorporated non-formal learning methods such as:

Design Thinking Workshops: Participants engage in hands-on activities to ideate, prototype, and iterate solutions to real-world problems, fostering creativity and innovation.

Hackathon-style Challenges: Participants work in teams over an intensive period to develop solutions, encouraging collaboration, teamwork, and rapid problem-solving.

Expert Talks and Panels: Inviting experts to share their knowledge and experiences in sustainability and cleantech provides valuable insights and sparks discussions, promoting peer-to-peer learning.

Simulations and Role-Playing: Participants engage in simulations or role-playing exercises to understand complex systems or decision-making processes related to environmental issues, allowing for experiential learning and empathy-building.

These methods align with non-formal learning principles by emphasizing practical, hands-on experiences, peer interaction, and learning from real-world challenges and examples.

Outcomes of the activity

The training activity achieved the creation of five new sustainable ideas addressing various environmental challenges. The success of the training can be measured by the tangible outcomes of these ideas, which have the potential to contribute positively to the cleantech sector and address environmental issues.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

As a full-time trainer involved in the Climathon Tallinn activity, my role encompassed several key responsibilities:

Content Development: I was responsible for designing and developing the content of the program, ensuring it aligned with the objectives of addressing environmental challenges and promoting cleantech innovation.

Program Organization: I played a central role in organizing the entire program, including structuring the schedule, coordinating logistics, and ensuring smooth execution of activities throughout the event.

Fundraising: I took charge of fundraising efforts, securing necessary financial support to sustain the event and its activities, which could involve seeking sponsorships, grants, or partnerships.

Moderation and Facilitation: I led the moderation and facilitation of the entire program, guiding participants through workshops, discussions, and activities aimed at ideation, collaboration, and problem-solving.

Communication with Partners: I maintained effective communication with partners involved in the event, including sponsors, stakeholders, and collaborating organizations, to ensure alignment of goals and coordination of efforts.

These roles demonstrate my comprehensive involvement in all aspects of the Climathon Tallinn program

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

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