This is a reference for Ekaterina (Katya) Sherer Sherer

"Changing locally-Cooperating Internationally"

The training activity took place
in Olsztyn, Poland
organised by SALTO EECA and Polish NA
June 9-15, 2008
Reference person

Tomasz Szopa

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

to encourage participants to use the opportunities of the international youth cooperation within the Youth in Action Programme in order to put positive changes within their local communities
To explore the meaning of youth participation and active citizenship;
To learn about needs analysis and how to use opportunities of international cooperation to answer those needs;
To highlight possibilities of creating local partnership as follow up of the youth international activity;
To increase the knowledge on Youth in Action Programme (especially Action 2 and 3.1);
To exchange experiences in the youth participation work;
To create contacts between participants and their organizations coming from Programme and Eastern & Caucasian countries;
Participants: TC brought experienced youth workers representing active organisations. 24 participants in total (12 from Programme countries and 12 from EECA region).
Methods: Non-Formal education methods
I was one of two trainers. My responsibilities included development of the course content, preparation of the programme, as well as delivering the workshops and training sessions, conducting evaluation of the course with other team members, and writing final report

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Participants of the TC were youth workers and youth leaders from 13 countries of EECA region and European Union countries. All of them had different backgrounds, work experience and local realities, which made this training unique and different.

Training methods used & main activities

based on the principals of non-formal education, such as exercises, simulations, cases, mini-presentations, working in sub-groups, energizers, ice-breakers, evening reflections. The main principle during the training was learning by doing, active involvement and participation of all participants of the training.
An important role during TC played the “Organizers Spiral Model”. The Spiral became the basic model and symbol of the TC.

Outcomes of the activity

Most of participants (80%) met their expectations, some of them said that they got more then they were expecting. People refer to contact making and setting future cooperation possibilities, good atmosphere and professional work of the trainers, good and interesting methods and reflection models, information about YiA and youth participation in their free comments space. One fifth of participants partly met their expectations.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Member of the trainers team (2 trainers in the team) - preparation, delivering, evaluation and final report

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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