This is a reference for Katerina Boutsia


The training activity took place
in New Delhi, India
organised by AIESEC
July – August 2010

Aims & objectives

Create awareness and empower youngsters to act about HIV/AIDS issues

• Inform teenage school students about the ways of contracting and not contracting the virus and bust myths around HIV/AIDS
• Develop empathy for HIV positive victims and understanding of the social impact the disease
• Promote health rights
• Develop proactive attitude to fight against HIV/AIDS

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Based on peer education principles we gathered 15 youth trainers from 15 different countries for two months in India and conducted HIV/AIDS awareness workshops across the schools of New Delhi with our main target group being teenage students 15-17 years old. Prior to the design of the training, the group of trainers was given medical insight about HIV/AIDS by medical staff working in a local NGO and treating terminally ill patients

Training methods used & main activities

Though the trainings took place in the formal setting of the school, the workshops were conducted following non-formal methodology such as: brainstorming, energizers, theater of the oppressed techniques, interactive games, cartoon film, short presentations, group discussions, fun fact quiz and more.

Outcomes of the activity

The youngsters had the opportunity to learn more about HIV/AIDS through an interactive and playful way adjusted appropriately to their age and learning needs. They got informed about ways to protect themselves from the virus and busted some common myths following HIV positive people. They also reflected on the social consequences of the disease and on the importance of the access to health rights for all people. Finally, they decided to act against the social death that precedes the natural one, by writing letters to the HIV/AIDS patients treated in Michael’s Care Home expressing their support and encouragement.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

•Contribute to the joint design of the overall training programme
•Run some of the sessions with a different co-trainer each time
•Create a safe learning environment for participants to be able to share genuine thoughts, feelings and taboo questions
•Draft evaluation reports
• Hand over the letters written by students to the Clinic’s patients

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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