This is a reference for Oksana Ty

ARTcycling Training for Trainers

The training activity took place
in Diever, The Netherlands
organised by Youth for Mobility Foundation
20-28 September 2017

Aims & objectives

The following specific objectives can be distinguished:
# develop key skills and competencies of youth workers, youth trainers and youth leaders in non-formal environmental education;
# to raise awareness on UPcycling and provide the participants with practical knowledge and
strengthen their competencies to support their target groups in local communities;
# to help youth workers, leaders and trainers from participating organisations to explore upcycling as a new way to promote environmental friendly lifestyle among youth;
# to build capacity of participating organisations in providing Environmental education with the use of non-formal education;
# to reinforce cooperation between partner organisations and encourage further implementation of joint initiatives;

We have identified the following needs:
- get to know new ways to promote environmental friendly lifestyle through non-formal educational methods;
- provide quality environmental education to support their target groups;
- to organise high quality projects and develop better activities to match needs of their target groups;
- gain practical knowledge about upcycling and zero-waste lifestyle;
- become more active in the field of environmental education;
- gain skills and competencies which will help them deliver better activities for their target groups;;
- know how to combine non-formal education methods with environmental education;
- meet other organisations and share experiences and good practices, make connections for further cooperation;

The partner organisations met the following goals by getting involved in this project:
- share experience in organising local and international youth projects;
- learn new methods to create engaging educative environments;
- experience on a local level and knowledge of local cultural realia and needs of the target groups;
- main objectives to promote sustainable lifestyle in their communities and internationally;
- practice of working with stakeholders;
- strengthen collaboration;

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The Training Course brought bring together 32 youth workers, youth leaders and youth trainers from The Netherlands; Germany; Belgium; Greece; Cyprus; Hungary; Romania; Latvia; who are active in youth field and willing to improve their skills and capacity to develop quality activities to promote upcycling and environment friendly lifestyle. All participants have diverse background and experience in the field of environmental education.

Training methods used & main activities

Working methods used:

World cafe;
Guided exploration;
Live library;
Theatre of the Oppressed;
Improvisation Theatre;
Learning by Doing;
Creative writing;

Outcomes of the activity

The Training as a success to an extent that it has reached various goals.
Benefits of the project for the participating organisations:
- Become more efficient in youth work and working with youth on the topic of environmental education using methods of non formal education;
- Strengthen international cooperation; We are going to strengthen cooperation which we created over 2 years ago.
- Increase quality of their projects;
- Become better in recognition of learning outcomes with usage of youthpass, Europass CV and Europass Mobility Document;
- Participating organisations will got an additional motivation to work with youth on the topic. New Coming organisations are going to get inspired to organise high quality youth exchanges and training courses on the topic.
- Deliver better activities for their target groups, make their work in the field of environmental education of higher impact, inclusion and interactiveness.
- Strengthen cooperation with stakeholders;
- Share different practices and improve, borrow new practices and ideas to implement back in their communities;

Benefits for the organisations indirectly involved in the project:
The stakeholders will closely communicate with youth and the NGOs, which is important step in bringing governmental institutions (like the city council, for example) and the civil society institutions closer;
Get ideas for future cooperation and strengthen already existing cooperation;
Networking opportunity with youth;
Raise awareness about Erasmus+ program;

Benefits for the target groups (e.g. the youth participating in local activities organised by the partner organisations, and/or the youth that participate or work with the youth leaders, activities and trainers participating in the training,):
Benefit from quality activities organised by the participants of the training during the follow up;
Become more informed about Erasmus+ and European values;
Become equipped with knowledge and skills which they could use in everyday life to become more environment friendly and sustainable in their choices.
Becoming more aware on the phenomenon of upcycling.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My Key Responsibilities were:
- Designing and planning the training program;
- Coordination of preparation related to the program;
- Delivering the training program;
- Monitoring the group dynamics of the participants during the training;
- Initial, ongoing an final evaluation of the training;

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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