This is a reference for sonia holubkova

All inclusive

The training activity took place
in Bratislava
organised by NA Slovakia
16-20 March 2016

Aims & objectives

TC focuses on encouraging and empowering youth workers, social workers to start inclusive projects with mixed ability groups through Erasmus+ projects. The aim was to make the Erasmus+ more inclusive, accessible for young people with fewer opportunities.
• to gain knowledge on how to deal with inclusion in Erasmus+ projects and to discover different possibilities for inclusive youth work within the framework of Erasmus+ (European Voluntary Service and Youth exchange)
• to give youth workers a better understanding of people with fewer opportunities (key concepts in the field of inclusion)
• to discuss and analyze challenges of inclusion people with fewer opportunities in the Erasmus+ activities
• to improve the interaction between young people with and without fewer opportunities
• to gain competences on how to stimulate the learning process of young people with fewer opportunities
• to get familiar with different inclusion tools, methods and approaches
• to exchange good practices about how inclusive projects can effect personal pathways of target groups
• to establish partnership between organisations

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

20 participants from 9 countries represented very different organizations – from NGO´s, education department to public and municipaltiy administration. There were youth workers, directors, lecturers, students, special pedadogs, social workers, parents of children with disability in the group. Some of them repezented ethnic groups, people with disability, family members of the people with special needs. We were two trainers from Slovakia and UK.

Training methods used & main activities

Non formal training methods to recognise each other, to present the possibilities of organizations, visits in different NGO with EVS volunteers and picture of their inclusion. Presentation of the idea of mix ability projects, coalition with potential partners and drafts of the projects....presentation in front of the board...

Outcomes of the activity

The participants prepared as the resluts of the TC proposals for at least 6 differenet projects:
1) Youth Exchange – Living in your shoes – T, CY, E, FIN – youth workers mobility + youth Exchange to better uderstand migrants
2) Youth Exchange – Our lives to music – RU,LA, T – exchanging culture heritage – young musicians ( some with disabilities) + well known singer, common concert
3) Series of activities for youth workers from SK, CZ, E working with youngsters with disability – seminar – E, study visit – SK, CMS – CZ - all activities will support better participation of youth with disability in the international activities and thei inclision into projects.
4 EVS – applying as volunteers 2 projects - Mac, Fin
5) ST EVS – HO from Macedonia ( for people with visual, hearing and intellectual disability
6) TC for youtworkers supporting inclusion – Mac.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Full trainer, organizing also local visits and EVS volunteers, comunication with NA.

I worked on this training for 5 days days as a full time trainer.

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