This is a reference for Kunka Velikova

Aiming for training

The training activity took place
in Busteni, Romania
organised by Soliddar
19-27 May 2024
Reference person

Elena Lupoaea Petrea

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

The aim of this training was to improve the youth workers’ competencies to prepare, implement and debrief a training session based on non-formal education methods.

1. The 25 youth workers will improve their basic knowledge about training (training cycle, learning styles, stages of experiential learning, visualisation tools, group dynamics )
2. The participants will learn how to effectively assess the training needs of young people through creating professional questionnaires
3. The 25 youth workers will improve the following skills needed for quality training: public speaking, group coordination, NFE methods
,debriefing, keeping learners’ motivation
4. The youth workers will feel more confident in their abilities as trainers and will feel motivated to create workshops for the young people they work with

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The training included 25 youth workers from the following 5 countries: Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Spain and Portugal.

Training methods used & main activities

Non-formal methods such as: immersive experiences, scavenger hunt, role-plays, participant-led workshops, discussions and debates, group work, case-studies, simulations, team-building activities, ice-breakers, energisers and many more

Outcomes of the activity

We expect the participants to improve their daily work as follows:

-By being able to observe and better analyse the needs of young people, they would be able to offer and prepare more relevant and appealing activities to youth
-By implementing effective and creative team building activities and using their new knowledge about group dynamics, the participants will be able to form stronger teams who feel connected and belonging to the group and the organisation
-By being able to effectively facilitate the discussions and debriefing, the youth workers will ensure that each young person is feeling heard, appreciated and respected
-By teaching young people the Learning to learn skill and reflection methods they would help them see the benefits of non-formal education and how the activities are supporting their development
-By learning new methods and techniques and how to structure them, the youth workers will have the confidence to offer new training opportunities to young people, expand their activities and add complexity to their methods
-By applying the new knowledge and skills, the youth workers will improve the effectiveness of their training in terms of measurable skill progress for young people. For example by using methods that appeal to diff learning styles or choosing the appropriate method for a group etc
-By applying the new techniques about motivation, they would improve the motivation of young people to learn as well as to participate in their activities
-By becoming more confident public speakers and starting to use effective visual tools, they would manage to attract and keep the attention of youth
-By learning how to effectively manage disruptive behaviour, they would manage their groups better and would keep the focus of their group. They would also gain extra respect in the eyes of the young people
-They will build more self-confidence in their ability to make a difference and this attitude will influence all their work
-They will become more motivated and enthusiastic to work with young people
-They will become more open-minded and open to feedback
-They will continually develop with the help of the coaching process and maintain contacts with other participants, having the opportunity to constantly improve their professional achievements
-They will become more connected with the colleagues from their organisation that participated in the project
-Increased job satisfaction that can translate in more hours spent with youth and new creative ideas
-They will be motivated to continue their professional development through other opportunities offered by E+ or other programs
-They will become Erasmus + ambassadors and so, more young people will be able to join E+ projects.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the 2 trainers in this mobility and facilitated half of the workshops for participants.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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