This is a reference for Evelina Taunyte

Actor in the Shadow 2009

The training activity took place
in Antalya
organised by NA Turkey
11-18 October 2009

Aims & objectives

The aim of this training course is to provide youth workers, leaders and multipliers an opportunity to reflect upon how their own personality influences youth work. Facing challenges that lead the participants out of the comfort zone, providing space for sharing the insights of personal learning and training skills using methods of peer counseling are the main objectives of this training course.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The team consisted of Laimonas Ragauskas from Lithuania and Dijan Albayrak from Turkey. The participants came from EU countries and Turkey, many of them with various migrations backgrounds.

Training methods used & main activities

Theme Centered Interaction (by Ruth Cohn), Theater of Oppressed (by Augusto Boal), Experiential Outdoor Learning approach, Intervision, Solution Focused Approach, Case Clarification method (by Christof Thomann), Inner Team method, Core qualities (by David Ofman)

Outcomes of the activity

The report is to be find following this link:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I initiated this training course and further shared the tasks within the team of designing, delivering and evaluating it.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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