This is a reference for Ognian Gadoularov

ACHIEVE – innovative methods for training and development of youth workers

The training activity took place
in Bulgaria, Romania, Cyprus
organised by Learning for Change Foundation
2017 - 2018

Aims & objectives

The training program is part of a two-year Erasmus+ project (Strategic Partnership) called “ACHIEVE” innovative methods for training and development of youth workers. Under this project 16 youth workers from the three countries (6 from Romania, 6 from Bulgaria and 4 from Cyprus) participate in an online learning process, 3 residential courses and a follow-up/application phase.

Each residential training is focused on different areas of development.

TC in Bulgaria – 1-8 October 2017 – Ecocentric development in youth work
TC in Romania – 5-12 November 2017 – Positive psychology and positive education
TC in Cyprus – 11-18 February 2018 – Educational plans, self-directed learning, self-motivation for development and innovation

“ACHIEVE” aims at increasing the capacity of youth workers to create sustainable results and powerful impact on personal and professional development of youth.

1. Developing competences that enable youth workers to work with youth following a holistic approach, thus enabling them to reach their full potential.
2. Building and strengthening personal and professional vision, mission and values of youth workers in order to act as responsible members of the planetary community for protecting the Earth and supporting authentic youth development.
3. Developing the transferability and innovation capacities of youth workers in order to use and adapt new educational concepts, tools and methods in their own working environments.
4. Increasing the strategic thinking of youth workers in order to create long-term interventions for personal and professional development of young people.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The project “ACHIEVE” innovative methods for training and development of youth workers is funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. The project is funded through Bulgarian National Agency (HRDC) under the number – 2016-2-BG01-KA205-023835.
In this project participated 16 youth workers from the three countries (6 from Romania, 6 from Bulgaria and 4 from Cyprus) participate.

Training methods used & main activities

Through ACHIEVE, we want to give new perspectives, solutions and tools for youth workers so they can create authentic and sustainable personal changes in young people. Solutions that are rooted in the following elements:

• Ecocentric development and nature based work.
• Positive psychology, positive education, holistic development.
• Empowerment, self-directed learning, self-motivation and strong experiential learning.

Outcomes of the activity

• Research among youth workers about areas for personal and professional development - As a major preparatory work, a research was carried out among youth workers about the areas they need professional and personal development.
• Manual “On the Wings of the Ladybug – Inspiring Youth work through Ecocentric Development and Positive Psychology” - The present manual is a tool that can be used to enhance the impact of Non-Formal Learning in preparing young people for their personal, social and professional development by using approaches based on Ecocentric development and Positive Psychology.
• Online course: Positive Psychology – basics - A series of online courses on Positive psychology which includes a literature review and videos on the topic.
• Online course: Ecocentric Development – basics - A series of online course on Ecocentric Development which includes texts and videos on the topic.
• Online course: Self-discovery – individual reflection and practical process 1 and 2 - This online tools are designed to help you to increase your capacities as a youth worker through personal and professional development. It will lead your process of self-discovery, reflection and self evaluation. It is based on 2 ground-breaking approaches: The Positive Psychology and the Eco-centric development.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was involved sins the creation of the idea of the training, preparation process, applying, implementation and evaluation of the training course. My main roles were - project writer, project coordinator, trainer.

I worked on this training for 6 + 6 + 6 days as a full time trainer.

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