This is a reference for Anna Huminiak

6th European Youth Meeting dedicated to the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion

The training activity took place
in Bologna, Italy
organised by Emilia Romagna Region / Replay
23 to 28 November 2010

Aims & objectives

- To promote a sense of European identity
and its values among the youth;
- To promote the young generation’s active
citizenship, in general, and European citizenship,
in particular;
- To promote youth mobility in Europe;
- To develop a feeling of solidarity among
the youth for strengthening the European
Union’s social cohesion;
- To favour mutual understanding between
the European nations through its youth;
- To develop a feeling of belonging of the
youth to the European Union;
- To encourage the young generation in
practicing and promoting solidarity, intergenerational dialogue, and cooperation
as means of fighting against racism and
- To promote youth participation in democracy

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Participants: up to 250 teachers and yougnster from whole Europe.

The pool of trainers selected to facilitate the activities during the youth meeting in Bologna was composed by experts in non formal education with young people at national and international level. The team was composed by 15 elements, coming from different regions of Italy and of Europe. The trainers were divided in thematic teams for the work with students. A special team followed the work with teachers, proposing a training course on “coaching youth initiatives”.

1. Saro Rossi (Italy)
2. Mohamed Lashin (Egypt)
3. Enrique (Quique) Miana (Spain)
4. Filaretos Vuorkos (Greece)
5. Carmine Rodi Falanga (Italy)
6. Claudia Hauck (Germany)
7. Tommaso Erbetta (Italy)
8. Magdalena Jakubowska (Poland)
9. Anna Huminiak (Poland)

10. Federica Demicheli (Italy)
11. Leo Kaserer (Austria)
12. Ermete Mariani (Italy)

13. Andrea Messori (Italy) coordination
14. Chiara Trotto (Italy) organization
15. Andrea Zanzini (Italy) video-making

Training methods used & main activities

The active methodology was based on learning by doing, experimenting situations or activities meant to encourage individual and group reflection, and the reflection of the individual in/within the group. In a process of human growth towards the increasing self-awareness, the active methodology allows the participants to learn about themselves. A process based on the interaction with the group through a continuous input and feedback exchange, The participant is thus not an ‘empty box’ using the training to get full of contents, but s/he assumes an active role for him/herself and for the other people involved.

Every proposed activity (simulations, games, knowledge games, sharing in small groups…) mainly aims at building, together with the participants, an experience that can become an idea, a metaphorical bridge towards new activities and future experiences, keeping on growing and exploring.

The active methodology refers to the development of the human being, as a process without a specific age span but as continue evolution, based on lifelong learning.

Each trainer had at his disposal a wide range of more or less structured training tools, We can name the work in small groups for discussion or comparison of personal experiences; traditional lectures for specific information or moments in plenary; case study for the in-depth examination of specific issues; role-play and simulation to start up identification’s processes with likely situations so that it is possible to increase the awareness of the resources and limits in the given contexts.

Appropriate space and time were dedicated to getting to know each other activities and exercises in order to set up a training agenda that can respect as much as possible participants’ resources and difficulties.

Finally, to harmonize the dynamics within the group on training the trainers proposed energizers and creative activities (encouraging the use of other communication channels and enriching the quality of information owned by the group) .

Each trainer intended him/herself as ‘facilitator of learning processes’, alternating new exercises and inputs and opportunities of sharing and debriefing of the proposed activities. This approach multiplied the ability of analyzing and the acknowledging of the own main resources and skills by the participants.

Outcomes of the activity

The development of a micro-project as an action which allows young people, assisted
by teachers trained during the Meeting to
the role of Coach, to:
- increase their awareness about the reality of social problems at both local and European levels,
- mature the expertise needed to make more project proposals of European importance
- aspire to obtain resources for their projects developed during the Meeting by presenting them to European assessment bodies under the EU Program "Youth in Action".
The final documents reporting results of group work are aviable at:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Trainer of Student Group

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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