TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Böðvar Nielsen
The event provides an opportunity to learn, collaborate and share knowledge around innovative methods and best practices in non-formal learning, through the exploration and exchange of ‘educational tools’. An educational tool can be thought of as the way we transfer and implement educational goals into a practice that engages participants in the learning process. Tools can take various forms, such as simulation exercises, creative workshops, role plays and more.
The International Tool Fair (ITF) is an Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps community-of-practice event that brings together diverse organisations and project leaders within Youth, Sports, School Education, Adult Education and Vocational Education and Training (VET) sectors across Europe and beyond borders.
Experiential learning,
self-directed learning,
facilitating tools for a learners journey in digital exploration
peer to peer education
The tool fair brought together a lot of youth workers together to work in unison about digital topics.
I was a facilitator of the event. My role was to ensure that participants knew their roles and help them in their learning journey.
Team member of those who organized the event.