Patrícia Amaro


Ethics, Integrity, and Empathy

“It is for this ethics inseparable from educational practice, whether we work with children, young people, or adults, that we must strive. And the best way to fight for it is to live it in our practice ” Paulo Freire (2017)

Patrícia Amaro has 6 references for past work as a trainer.

Patrícia Amaro

Contact details

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Trainer connections

  • Carlos Reis
    Carlos Reis
  • Pedro Santos
    Pedro Santos

Current occupation

Free lancer trainer / Sociologist

Work experience

Since 2014, I am part of the pool of trainers at the Portuguese National Agency Erasmus + Program: The pool of trainers, consists of a group of trainers, facilitators, animators, and independent experts in various areas related to Youth and Non-formal Education, available to put in on behalf of the national the agency, the pursuit of the mission and objectives of the Erasmus+ Program and European Solidarity Corps; The pool of trainers is a space for the practice and recognition of Non-Formal Education in the most diverse dimensions; Space of innovation and quality; a tool for qualification and development of skills for quality action, ensuring the adequacy of methodologies and objectives to different target audiences. I was Trainer in training actions integrated into the Erasmus + Program - Youth in Action: European Voluntary Service; Training "On Arrival" and "Mid-Term" (Evaluation of the volunteer project; Reassessment and implementation of new ideas in the volunteer project; Training on the Erasmus + Program - Youth in Action;); Training about European Solidarity corps and Erasmus + Program. I was involved in the Volunteering Evaluation cycle (On Arrival and Mid-term training). From March to July 2020, I was involved in this evaluation Cycle, in the online version.

2020/ Current- Sociologist - Personal, social, and community development plan - National plan promoting school success – Ministry Of Education: To Provide students with personal, social, and academic/professional skills in order to contribute to their training and social integration; To Promote a better transition between school cycles; To Promote protective factors in young people and reduce risk factors; To Promote an inclusive, safe and healthy school environment (Motivator for learning and interpersonal relationships); To Contribute to the promotion of healthy lifestyles and behaviors; To Train active and responsible citizens
2021- Expert in Youth Work, Portuguese National Agency Erasmus +; Expert in Youth Work within the scope of the implementation of strategic cooperation projects of the European National Agencies. I was involved in the SNACs: Democracy Reloading; Europe Goes Local; European Youth Work Agenda and Bonn Process. The main activities were: Management, follow-up and monitoring, implementation and facilitation, reporting and follow up general, of the Strategic Cooperation Projects (TCA); Preparation, follow-up, and monitoring, implementation, and facilitation, reporting and follow up of specific tasks, activities, and meetings, as well as documents, resources, tools, and platforms related to the TCA Projects previously mentioned; Coordination of working groups and/or stakeholder´s involvement; Planning and elaboration of national and transnational work plans; Participation and/or representation of the National Agency, in national activities and transnationals; Review, monitor, and management of content, resources, tools, documents, and outputs produced within the scope of these projects; Communication, sharing, dissemination, and multiplication of activities and results; Other activities and tasks, such as collecting data, need mapping, analysis, and review of documents and contents.
2018-2021 I worked at the Portuguese National Agency Erasmus +, in the role of trainer for logistic and officer support. The main activities that I was involved in: Participating management (developing and managing the participants, communicating with them, preparation, follow-up communication); Communication with the services (hotel, restaurants); Communication with the team of facilitators and reports of that; Support the trainer's team. The activities I was involved in: “Bridge to Solidarity PBA” - European Solidarity Corps, Portugal, 15 to 19/06/2019; “TOF – Training of Facilitators In Erasmus + Youth -III Edition, Portugal- 16 to 24/10/2018”; “Harvesting Conference, Portugal – 19 to 22/06/2018”; “TEC – Annual meeting, Portugal, Dezembro 2018 e 2019”; Democracy Reloading Study Visit, Portugal 2018”; “International Tool Fair XV – Back to the Future – educational Tools, Transition into Revolution, Portugal – 4 to 8 October 2021”
2018-2021 I was a trainer in the different pieces of training that are described in my TOY profile (online e offline).
2020- "Jump Into Solidarity" at National Level - Online Course with Portuguese NA. “Jump into Solidarity” it´s a Training Course (TC) that aims to enhance the quality of the European Solidarity projects and support organizations in the development of the main competencies related to the projects. This TC will offer a meeting point for the participants to discuss and interact with each other and to create a solid and trustable network of partners interested in organizing and/or supporting ESC projects.
2019/2020- I coordinated an Educational Programme in school a project financed by, Gulbenkian Foundation. The Vizela Imaginactiva Youth Association, within the scope of the Gulbenkian Knowledge Academies, we implemented the 3rd cycle Socioemotional Learning Program. Positive Attitude project, which was created by the Academician Torres Vedras. This program has as its main objective the development of socio-emotional skills that are identified as protectors of healthy lifestyles and as influential factors in a more effective integration into school life. In this sense, the healthy and full development of children and young people is promoted, expected to become more confident and competent to deal with everyday challenges, promoting integration and, consequently, school success.
2019/2022- Long term project "youth sparkler" with Hans-Wendt-Stiftung Foundation (Germany), Spain and Irland. Youth Exchange: Main Words: Diversity, engage, empower, and connect youth participation, participation at a local and international level. Involve young people with fewer opportunities in a process of local and international civic participation through different mobility activities; Include these young people with fewer opportunities in the context of promotion, empowerment, and new opportunities; Develop personal, social, and cultural skills of the young participants; Promote an open attitude towards the diversity and inclusion of different cultures, religions, and origins; Develop positive behaviours and attitudes with local reality and generate an attitude transformation of your reality.
2018- Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth, Binational Youth Forum "For Youth Employability", an initiative framed by Cascais European Youth Capital and organized by the Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth, Institute of Youth of Spain (INJURY) and the International Youth Organization for Ibero-America (OIJ), having as partner National Youth Council (CNJ).
2019/2020- Training: "Dating with Fair Play"- IPDJ - Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth, Training held at the Lisbon Youth Center. To train young people who will be part of the Local Animators Exchange for the development of awareness-raising actions in schools; Promote interpersonal and social relationships that promote gender equality with a view to promoting a culture of active citizenship and non-violence.
2018- National youth council (Portugal), Structured Dialogue: "You in Europe"; young people about Europe, know what moves them, encourages them, and worries them, so that the opportunities and the supports will meet your needs.
2017/2018- Bloom Association, Mentor of the Portuguese participants in the project Hate speech disarmament - Equipping youth workers to manage and transform hate speech, in partnership with Ireland, Slovenia, the United Kingdom and Finland.
2017- Dragoeiro Association, Madeira (Portugal)Training of Key Actions of the Erasmus Program + Youth in Action / Key Action 1 - Individual Mobility 1st day - European Voluntary Service 2nd day - Exchanges / Mobility of professionals. This action has been developed on the quality criteria in the implementation of Erasmus +.
2016/2020 - CAIS Association of Social Solidarity, Trainer in the training actions of the "Street Football" Project - Training of personal and social skills. This activity is under Erasmus + program.
2014/Current- Member of the Youth Association Vizela Imaginactiva, Responsible for the International Projects; Responsible for the finances; Developing Programs; Working with Erasmus + Program and European Solidarity Corps.
2012- Company Gilmar Space- Cockpit, Praia (Cape Verde) Workshop "Developing Skills / Improving Service", for 15 employees, in a total (20hours); At the end of the training action, the participants must have acquired knowledge that understand some of the complexity of interpersonal relationships (influence on communication with the client); Understand the impact of the state of communication and its actions on relationship with the client and in carrying out its functions.
2012- Municipal Water Service of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz (Cape Verde).Training Course in Interpersonal Relations and Conflict Management for 89 employees of the Service Municipal of Water, in a total of (45 hours). At the end of the training action, participants must have acquired knowledge that allows them to understand some of the complexity of relationships interpersonal; Understand the impact of the state of communication on interpersonal relationships and conflict resolution.
2007/2011 - Sociologist in “Plano Salute” Coordinator of the Education and Health Promotion in School Environment Program; Children's Recovery Center of Benavente - in partnership with the City Council of Benavente: Responsible for the intervention in Education and health promotion in schools in the municipality of Benavente - with children and adolescents from 3 to 17 years old and training of teachers and rest of the school community. (Organization, implementation of training actions for students, teachers and school community from primary to secondary education); Member of the Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth. Intervention work in social support and through parental education and partnerships with the different social institutions in the municipality of Benavente and who work with families. Member of the Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth.

2005/2007 - Sociologist in Social Intervention Action - “The School and the Family”- Benavente City Council, in partnership and with a protocol with Duarte Lopes School; Development of social, personal, and educational skills of families. Endow the school with a technician with competence, in partnership and multidisciplinary, to work with psychologists, teachers, students, and the entire school community. Bringing families closer to the school community. Primary Prevention of Tobacco and Alcohol and consumption of illegal substances.
2004/2005- Superior Technician of Sociology, in the Social Health Intervention Sector of Benavente City Council: Multidisciplinary Community Intervention Team Follow-up work for users and their families, either under the L.S.D. - Fight Against AIDS and Drugs, or within the scope of various social issues, supported by the team. Activities developed in the Social Action of the Municipality of Benavente in the Social Intervention and Health, namely technical in the implementation and monitoring of the Pro-Habitat Program. Implementation activities for the Social Network Program of the municipality of Benavente. Primary Prevention of Tobacco and Alcohol and Substance Use illicit activities, through the Municipal Drug Addiction Prevention Plan of Benavente.
2003/2004 - Professional Internship in Sociology- Benavente City Council: Integrating the Multidisciplinary Community Intervention Team of Benavente within the scope of the Project L.S.D. - Fight Against AIDS and Drugs -, as the promoter of the internship, the City Council from Benavente. During the internship, he develops and integrates the following projects: Multidisciplinary Community Intervention Team Follow-up work for users and their families, or within the scope of the L.S.D. - Fight Against AIDS and Drugs, within the scope of social problems, supported by the team. Municipal Plan for Primary Prevention of Drug addiction. Social Network Program. Activities developed in the Chamber's Social Action Municipal of Benavente.

Educational pathway

2018/2019 - TOT - Erasmus + Youth in Action (Salto-Youth). Training for trainers is long-term training (1 year). Has as main objective; the development of skills for youth work at an international level. These competencies focus on the trainer competence model
(ETS competence model).
2016- Training of Multipliers We Are - Education for Democratic Citizenship Lisbon City Hall and Rede Inducar, Lisboa (Portugal).The Path of Participation; Challenges and Barriers to Participation; Citizenship and Citizenship; Nonformal Education; Competencies of the Multiplier in Democratic Citizenship;
Erasmus + Program - National Agency of Spain, Molina (Espanha) Acquisition of group facilitation skills and facilitation of learning processes.
"Unique Learning Badges" Rede Inducar, Lisbon (Portugal) Recognition and validation of skills acquired in a formal, non-formal or informal context has been the subject of reflection, debate, positioning and even specific legislation for more than a decade. In view
of the challenge facing us in the face of new educational paradigms, it is important to critically and
proactively monitor new approaches and tools.
Training Course "Participation for Inclusion"
International Center for Intercultural Research, Learning and Dialogue, Yervan (Arménia)
Training on "Participation for Inclusion" - Integrated the Erasmus + Program. Participation; Different
degrees of participation; participation and youth; European programs; Design, build and develop
Training of Trainers in Non-formal Education
National Youth Council (II School of Youth Development - IV Formation of Trainers in
Formal Education), Braga (Portugal)
Main professional competences: "Multiplier" of a socio-educational philosophy based on participation
in a pluralistic and inclusive democracy, in intercultural learning and human rights, in a global context
Development of personal and social skills Programs promote a cycle of knowledge and discovery,
personal and social reflection, culminating in concrete action of organization of workshops of various
Post-Graduation in Social Administration
ISSSL - Higher Institute of Social Services of Lisbon, Lisboa. Promote competencies in managers and those who are dedicated to the heads of social service
Degree in Sociology- Autonomous University of Lisbon, Lisbon; The thesis of the Dissertation of Degree under the theme: "Street Children and Integration" Specialized Sociology; Sociology of Work; Sociology Social Exclusion; APPLIED SOCIOLOGY: Field of work
sociology; Administration and Management human resources; Sociology of Labor in post-industrial.

Fields of training expertise

  • (intermediate) Bullying & Harassment
  • (intermediate) Campaigning & Awareness Raising
  • (beginner) Change Management
  • (advanced) Citizenship Education
  • (expert) Coaching & Mentoring
  • (expert) Communication Skills
  • (expert) Conflict Management & Mediation
  • (beginner) Creativity & Art
  • (advanced) Crisis Management
  • (advanced) Diversity & Anti-Racism
  • (beginner) Environment & Ecology
  • (beginner) Entrepreneurship (Social)
  • (intermediate) Equal Opportunities
  • (expert) Evaluation & Assessment
  • (advanced) Event Management
  • (intermediate) Financial Management
  • (advanced) Gender Awareness & Mainstreaming
  • (expert) Global Education
  • (expert) Group Dynamics & Motivation
  • (advanced) Health & Prevention
  • (advanced) Human Rights
  • (advanced) Intercultural Learning
  • (expert) International Youth Work
  • (intermediate) Labour Rights & Employment
  • (intermediate) Leadership Development
  • (intermediate) Lobbying & Advocacy
  • (intermediate) New Information Technologies
  • (advanced) Open Space Technology
  • (advanced) Organizational Management
  • (intermediate) Outdoor & Experiential Training
  • (intermediate) Peace Education
  • (intermediate) People Management & Cooperation
  • (advanced) Project Management
  • (advanced) Public Speaking
  • (expert) Recognition of NFLearning
  • (advanced) Social Inclusion & Exclusion
  • (beginner) Storytelling & Humour
  • (intermediate) Time Management
  • (advanced) Training of Trainers
  • (expert) Volunteer Programmes
  • (expert) Youth Exchanges
  • (expert) Youth Information Work
  • (expert) Youth Participation & Initiatives
  • (expert) Youth Policy
  • (intermediate) Youth Violence & Criminality
  • (expert) Youth Worker Training

Knowledge about institutions and programmes

  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA1) Youth Exchanges
  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA1) Training & Networking
  • (intermediate) Erasmus+ (KA2) Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • (beginner) Erasmus+ (KA2) Strategic Partnerships
  • (beginner) Erasmus+ (KA2) Capacity Building (other countries in the World)
  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA3) Youth Policy Meetings
  • (expert) European Solidarity Corps Volunteering
  • (beginner) Erasmus+ (lifelong learning, non-youth)
  • (advanced) European Youth Centres (CoE)
  • (advanced) European Youth Foundation (CoE)
  • (advanced) Solidarity Fund for Youth Mobility (CoE)
  • (advanced) European Institutions
  • (intermediate) Youth Partnership CoE-COM
  • (advanced) International Youth Structures
  • (intermediate) United Nations

Working with specific target groups

  • (intermediate) Children
  • (advanced) Families
  • (beginner) Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transgender work
  • (advanced) Intercultural Teams
  • (expert) Marginalized & Excluded Youth
  • (advanced) Minorities
  • (intermediate) Religious Youth Groups
  • (advanced) Women's Issues & Groups
  • (beginner) Young People in/from Conflict Areas
  • (beginner) Young People with a Mental Disability
  • (beginner) Young People with a Physical Disability
  • (beginner) Young People with a Sensory Disability

Experience with specific geographical regions

  • (intermediate) Africa
  • (beginner) Eastern Europe and Caucasus
  • (beginner) Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation
  • (advanced) European Cooperation
  • (beginner) Global Cooperation
  • (intermediate) Latin America
  • (intermediate) North-North Cooperation
  • (intermediate) North-South Co-operation
  • (intermediate) South East Europe

Other skills

Digital Competence

Language Skills

  • (good) English
  • (fluent) Portuguese

Trainer references

  • "Jump into Solidarity"

    Awaiting validation (requested 2022-08-26)
    The training activity took place
    in Lisbon- Portugal
    organised by Portugue National Agency Eramus + Program
    3rd to 8th December 2018
  • On-Arrival Training

    Validated (2022-09-29)
    The training activity took place
    in Viseu- Portugal
    organised by Portuguese National Agency Erasmus + Programme
    17th to 22nd April 2018
    Reference person

    Pedro Borges

    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • Replay

    Validated (2022-09-09)
    The training activity took place
    in Bari - Italy
    organised by Italian National Agency - Salto
    29th May 2019 to 3rd June 2019
    Reference person

    Antonela Kotsoni

    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • "CONNECTION - Youth Worker on ESC - Develop skills and increase the quality of projects"

    Validated (2022-03-17)
    The training activity took place
    in Online
    organised by Portuguese National Agency - Erasmus +
    5th to 7th May 2021
    Reference person

    Raquel Gandarez

    (Organiser- Portuguese national Agency)
    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • "PLAY-Plan For Active Youth" (online)

    Validated (2022-03-30)
    The training activity took place
    in Online
    organised by Portuguese National Agency - Erasmus +
    24th to 27th November 2020
    Reference person

    José Carlos Oliveira

    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • Democracy Reloading – Training Module B

    Awaiting validation (requested 2024-02-28)
    The training activity took place
    in Budapest
    organised by Hungary National Agency Erasmus+; BIJU
    13rd to 17th September 2021

This profile was last modified on 2022-03-30

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