Lidija Dukes (ex Buric)

Lidija Dukes (ex Buric) has 6 references for past work as a trainer and added 3 tools to the SALTO Toolbox.

Lidija Dukes (ex Buric)

Contact details

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Trainer connections

  • Henk Persyn
    Henk Persyn
  • Simona Molari
    Simona Molari
  • Mark E. Taylor
    Mark E. Taylor
  • MarCus Vrecer
    MarCus Vrecer
  • Domagoj Morić
    Domagoj Morić
  • Dragan Atanasov
    Dragan Atanasov
  • Marian Ancuta
    Marian Ancuta
  • suncana kusturin
    suncana kusturin
  • Paul Kloosterman
    Paul Kloosterman
  • Tadej Pugelj
    Tadej Pugelj
  • vojislava tomic radivojsa
    vojislava tomic radivojsa
  • Marija Farmer
    Marija Farmer
  • Konstantinos Spatiotis
    Konstantinos Spatiotis
  • Markus Albrecht
    Markus Albrecht
  • Jan Van Hove
    Jan Van Hove
  • Darko Markovic
    Darko Markovic
  • Endre Kiss
    Endre Kiss
  • Mara Arvai
    Mara Arvai
  • Danijela Matorcevic (ex Juric)
    Danijela Matorcevic (ex Juric)
  • Maja Katinić
    Maja Katinić
  • Snežana Bačlija Knoch
    Snežana Bačlija Knoch
  • petar dukic
    petar dukic
  • Martina Sirol
    Martina Sirol

Current occupation

free lance trainer in the youth field and voluntary work

Work experience

* EVS training cycle (pre-departure, on-arrival and mid term meetings, annual events) within Western Balkan and Croatia
* variety of TCA activities related to the active citizenship, participation, recognition and validation of non-formal learning, project management, quality of EVS within the YiA/Erasmus +
* SALTO YOUTH 10th anniversary "Firework 2010" Power of Non-formal Learning in Education, Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship
* Cross over - training course for KA2 strategic partnerships
* Let's coordinate - training course for quality in EVS
* Contact making seminars and Partnership Buidling Activities for EVS and 3.1. within programme countries and with neighbouring regions (like SEE, EECA and EuroMed)
* Training of multipliers of the Youth in Action Programme
* Training for Active Citizenship in the EU Enlargement Process
* Let's meet our neighbors and the world, Let's work with our neigbours and Let's evaluate with our neighbours - seminars for cooperation under Action 3.1. of the Youth in Action
* Get involved, seminar on participation and youth democracy projects
* Strategic planning
* Project Cycle Management
* Volunteer Management
* Monitoring and evaluation

* Let's cycle - a booklet about the experience of Let's Seminars with Our Neighbours
* CROATIA-country update for the European Inventory on Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning
* Review of the youth work in Croatia for the Partnership of the European Commission and the Council of Europe.

Available downloads:

Educational pathway

* Training on Open Space Technology " Open Space Training as a Powerfull tool in Youth Work", 2010, Northern Ireland
* European Citizenship training Course, 2009, Belgium, organised by the Youth Partnership in cooperation with the SALTO TC RC and the network of National Agencies
* Training of Trainers for European Youth Projects course 2003/2004 organized by SALTO and IZ
* Workshop for trainers «Training methodology (advanced)», AED, Zagreb, 4-6 June 2003
* Faculty of Science, Department for Chemistry, University of Zagreb, enrolled 1995
* 1st Gymnasium Zagreb 1991-1995

Fields of training expertise

  • (beginner) Campaigning & Awareness Raising
  • (intermediate) Change Management
  • (expert) Citizenship Education
  • (intermediate) Coaching & Mentoring
  • (expert) Communication Skills
  • (intermediate) Conflict Management & Mediation
  • (intermediate) Crisis Management
  • (intermediate) Diversity & Anti-Racism
  • (intermediate) Environment & Ecology
  • (beginner) Entrepreneurship (Social)
  • (intermediate) Equal Opportunities
  • (expert) Evaluation & Assessment
  • (expert) Event Management
  • (expert) Financial Management
  • (expert) Fundraising
  • (intermediate) Global Education
  • (expert) Group Dynamics & Motivation
  • (intermediate) Human Rights
  • (expert) Intercultural Learning
  • (expert) International Youth Work
  • (intermediate) Labour Rights & Employment
  • (expert) Leadership Development
  • (intermediate) New Information Technologies
  • (expert) Open Space Technology
  • (expert) Organizational Management
  • (intermediate) Outdoor & Experiential Training
  • (intermediate) Peace Education
  • (expert) People Management & Cooperation
  • (intermediate) Personal Development & Empowerment
  • (expert) Project Management
  • (expert) Recognition of NFLearning
  • (expert) Social Inclusion & Exclusion
  • (expert) Time Management
  • (expert) Training of Trainers
  • (expert) Valorisation of Projects (DEOR)
  • (expert) Volunteer Programmes
  • (expert) Youth Exchanges
  • (expert) Youth Information Work
  • (expert) Youth Participation & Initiatives
  • (expert) Youth Policy
  • (expert) Youth Worker Training

Knowledge about institutions and programmes

  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (KA1) Youth Exchanges
  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA1) Training & Networking
  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (KA2) Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA2) Strategic Partnerships
  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (KA2) Capacity Building (other countries in the World)
  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA3) Youth Policy Meetings
  • (expert) European Solidarity Corps Volunteering
  • (intermediate) European Youth Centres (CoE)
  • (intermediate) European Youth Foundation (CoE)
  • (expert) European Institutions
  • (intermediate) Youth Partnership CoE-COM
  • (expert) International Youth Structures
  • (intermediate) Private Foundations
  • (beginner) United Nations

Working with specific target groups

  • (beginner) Children
  • (beginner) Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transgender work
  • (expert) Intercultural Teams
  • (expert) Marginalized & Excluded Youth
  • (intermediate) Minorities
  • (beginner) Religious Youth Groups
  • (expert) Young People in/from Conflict Areas
  • (intermediate) Young People with a Physical Disability

Experience with specific geographical regions

  • (intermediate) Asia
  • (advanced) Eastern Europe and Caucasus
  • (intermediate) Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation
  • (expert) European Cooperation
  • (expert) Global Cooperation
  • (expert) South East Europe

Other skills

youth work in SEE, volunteer managemen , validation of non-formal and informal learning

Language Skills

  • (fluent) English
  • (beginner) German

Other languages

Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian (some)

Trainer references

Tools contributed by the trainer

Find more training tools in the SALTO Toolbox for training.

This profile was last modified on 2018-12-17

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