Kata Dietrich


I have been involved in international youth projects for 15 years and have been delivering projects as a trainer for 7 years now, mainly on the topic of sustainability, skills development, entrepreneurship and employability. I am always happy to share my knowledge and experience and to keep on learning - I put the motivation, new knowledge and energy I get from people I meet on the way into creating new projects that support others on their own paths.

Kata Dietrich has 10 references for past work as a trainer.

Kata Dietrich

Contact details

If you want to see the contact details of trainers, you have to be signed in.

Trainer connections

  • Dora Preszeller
    Dora Preszeller
  • Barbara Foldi
    Barbara Foldi
  • Luca Paolisso
    Luca Paolisso
  • Atanas Genkov
    Atanas Genkov
  • Natasa Golosin
    Natasa Golosin
  • Elena Tasheva
    Elena Tasheva
  • Hochstein Norbert
    Hochstein Norbert

Current occupation

Trainer & Training Coordinator

Work experience

I have been involved in youth projects for 15 years - first as a participant, later as a volunteer, a staff member, a project manager, and as a trainer and training coordinator.
I managed, designed and implemented over 20 youth exchanges and training courses. I have been facilitating activities for 7 years now, first as a co-trainer, in the recent years also as a main facilitator of trainings and other educational activities. I have been mainly working with the topic of sustainability, but I also delivered activities focusing on employability and entrepreneurship. Besides the international youth activities I do, I also work with kids and companies, delivering workshops, classes and teambuilding activities on various topics.

Available downloads:

Educational pathway

I finished my BA of International Relations in 2017 and recently I got my Master's degree in Management and Leadership - specialised on Organisational Psychology and Human Resources Management. My studies greatly contributed to my trainer's knowledge - especially my recent studies focusing on organisational psychology. Besides being an active learner in formal education, I am trying to make sure that I attend training courses, seminars, networking events on an international scale every year, since I believe that it is crucial for educators to be able to grow personally and professionally, get to know new methods and techniques. Therefore I am participating in 2-3 educational activities each year to learn new things which I can implement in my work as well.

Fields of training expertise

  • (intermediate) Campaigning & Awareness Raising
  • (advanced) Change Management
  • (intermediate) Citizenship Education
  • (advanced) Coaching & Mentoring
  • (expert) Communication Skills
  • (intermediate) Conflict Management & Mediation
  • (expert) Creativity & Art
  • (beginner) Drama & Theatre
  • (expert) Environment & Ecology
  • (advanced) Entrepreneurship (Social)
  • (advanced) Equal Opportunities
  • (expert) Evaluation & Assessment
  • (expert) Event Management
  • (intermediate) Financial Management
  • (advanced) Group Dynamics & Motivation
  • (intermediate) Human Rights
  • (advanced) Intercultural Learning
  • (advanced) International Youth Work
  • (advanced) Labour Rights & Employment
  • (advanced) Leadership Development
  • (beginner) Lobbying & Advocacy
  • (intermediate) New Information Technologies
  • (advanced) Organizational Management
  • (intermediate) Outdoor & Experiential Training
  • (advanced) People Management & Cooperation
  • (advanced) Personal Development & Empowerment
  • (advanced) Project Management
  • (beginner) Public Speaking
  • (advanced) Social Inclusion & Exclusion
  • (advanced) Time Management
  • (intermediate) Training of Trainers
  • (expert) Youth Exchanges
  • (intermediate) Youth Participation & Initiatives
  • (advanced) Youth Worker Training

Knowledge about institutions and programmes

  • (expert) Erasmus+ (KA1) Youth Exchanges
  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (KA1) Training & Networking
  • (beginner) Erasmus+ (KA2) Transnational Youth Initiatives
  • (intermediate) Erasmus+ (KA2) Strategic Partnerships
  • (beginner) Erasmus+ (KA2) Capacity Building (other countries in the World)
  • (intermediate) European Solidarity Corps Volunteering
  • (advanced) Erasmus+ (lifelong learning, non-youth)
  • (intermediate) European Institutions
  • (intermediate) United Nations

Working with specific target groups

  • (advanced) Children
  • (intermediate) Families
  • (beginner) Gay, Lesbian, Bi & Transgender work
  • (advanced) Intercultural Teams
  • (advanced) Marginalized & Excluded Youth
  • (advanced) Minorities
  • (intermediate) Women's Issues & Groups
  • (intermediate) Young People with a Mental Disability
  • (intermediate) Young People with a Physical Disability

Experience with specific geographical regions

  • (advanced) Eastern Europe and Caucasus
  • (advanced) Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation
  • (expert) European Cooperation
  • (beginner) Global Cooperation
  • (advanced) South East Europe

Language Skills

  • (fluent) English
  • (beginner) German
  • (fluent) Hungarian

Trainer references

  • BeNovative

    Validated (2023-09-26)
    The training activity took place
    in Modra-Harmónia
    organised by Mladiinfo Slovensko
    12.11.2016 - 19.11.2016
    Reference person

    Barbara Földi

    (head trainer)
    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • Training for Trainers - S.O.S. Solutions

    Validated (2022-02-22)
    The training activity took place
    in Alsótold, Hungary
    organised by ReCreativity Social Enterprise
    10-18 June 2018
    Reference person

    Barbara Földi

    (head trainer)
    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • RePlay

    Validated (2023-11-02)
    The training activity took place
    in Dolny Kubin, Slovakia
    organised by Mladiinfo Slovensko
    8-18 October 2017
    Reference person

    Barbara Földi

    (head trainer)
    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • Sustainability Plan

    Validated (2022-08-10)
    The training activity took place
    in Alsótold
    organised by ReCreativity Social Enterprise
    Reference person

    Barbara Földi

    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • ReCharge Yourself

    Validated (2022-08-15)
    The training activity took place
    in Alsótold, Hungary
    organised by ReCreativity
    Reference person

    Dora Preszeller

    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • Advertising the Change

    Validated (2022-08-10)
    The training activity took place
    in Alsótold, Hungary
    organised by ReCreativity
    11-19 September 2021
    Reference person

    Barbara Földi

    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • crEATe! Training Course

    Validated (2022-08-10)
    The training activity took place
    in Alsótold, Hungary
    organised by ReCreativity Social Enterprise
    Reference person

    Barbara Földi

    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • Employees, Get Ready! Training Course

    Validated (2022-08-10)
    The training activity took place
    in Alsótold, Hungary
    organised by ReCreativity
    03-11 July 2022
    Reference person

    Barbara Földi

    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • ECOLAB Training Course

    Validated (2023-03-31)
    The training activity took place
    in Hungary
    organised by ReCreativity Social Enterprise
    Reference person

    Barbara Földi

    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.
  • Entrepreneurs, Get Ready!

    Validated (2023-03-31)
    The training activity took place
    in Hungary
    organised by ReCreativity Social Enterprise
    Reference person

    Barbara Földi

    If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

This profile was last modified on 2023-11-19

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