Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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This guide provides a set of tools that helps different youth work entities develop a culture and systems of diversity and inclusion within their organisations.
The guide aims to provide a set of tools that allows youth work entities to undergo a systematic self-assessment process and initiate improvements in their policies and practices while working on inclusion of young people in their actvities.
Do you face challenges to reach out to young people from marginalised/excluded groups, such as migrants, LGBT, youth from rural areas or those who suffered from violence? Do you need help in mainstreaming inclusion in all of your activities? Do you want to check if the spaces of your organisation meet the needs and respect the diversity among young people? This guide will help you to answer these questions and many more.
This guide consists of 3 main chapters:
- In the first chapter, “Inclusive youth work”, you will have a chance to examine our understanding of an inclusive youth organisation and explore the framework of indicators that define it.
- In the second chapter, “How inclusive is your organisation? A tool for self-assessment”, you will find a tool that will help you to undergo a comprehensive self-assessment process, recognise the strengths of your organisation in the context of inclusion and also identify the most significant challenges that might require some changes in your organisational policies and practices.
- In the third chapter, “Foster inclusion in your organisation!”, you will find a comprehensive guide that will help you to understand each indicator of an inclusive youth organisation. Here, you will also find practical tips that will help you develop or improve your organisation in an inclusive way.
SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.
This tool is for
Leaders of youth organisations, youth clubs; youth workers or a representatives of any entity working with young people
and addresses
Social Inclusion, Youth Participation
It is recommended for use in:
Strategic Partnerships
The tool was created by
Indre Augutiene, Aga Byrczek, Vladislav Petkov, Dariusz Grzemny, Solveiga Skaisgiryte, Davide Cadeddu, Ekaterina Sherer, Beatrice Naldi
in the context of
The guide was created in the frame of Erasmus+ strategic partnership project "Tools for Equality and Inclusion in Youth Work"
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
Indre Augutiene (on 8 September 2022)
and last modified
29 April 2022
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