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TACC Training Toolkit on Youth Leadership and Advocacy

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This manual has been created within the framework of TACC project “Take Action, Create the Change”, managed by IFYD. It consists of guidelines for Youth Workers on youth leadership and advocacy, including theoretical knowledge and NFE sessions.

Aims of the tool

As youth-led organisations, we believe young people can play a vital role in their communities, if awareness is raised among them, and they are well informed about these important fundamental youth agendas and processes, as well about their issues; if their leadership and advocacy skills are enhanced and if they are motivated to take actions and to bring a positive change. Moreover, they need to be provided and trained with the right tools for bringing the change among their peers and for potentially approaching decision-makers and other stakeholders advocating for their rights to actively engage in policies affecting their lives at all levels. We know that youth workers are already engaged in creating change but we also know that many of them need more specific tools to take on an even stronger role in social change.
This project result will guide the youth workers through a number of steps and will provide concrete tools for them to work with adolescents and youth on leadership and advocacy, on community organising and campaigning, on identifying different needs in their communities and addressing them. Therefore, through this project results we will introduce concepts and training tools related to civic engagement and social change.

Description of the tool

This manual consists of three main documents:

I. The theoretical part includes knowledge and information on leadership and advocacy elements that youth can be equipped with. It is developed by CONEXX-EU.

II. The leadership training curriculum which provides an agenda, sessions and toolkit to be used by youth workers and peer educators to indulge in their work and volunteerism. It is developed by IFYD.

III. The advocacy training curriculum that consists of an agenda, sessions and toolkit to be used by youth
workers and peer educators that supports them to implement their own activities and training locally and beyond. It is developed by IFYD.

Particular thanks is extended to the authors of this manual:
Anina Chileva, Ana Mosiashvili, Anmar Khalid, and Sukaina El Outa from IFYD and Laura Pardo from CONEXX EU. Similarly, many thanks to IFYD team members who contributed to developing the training curricula including Yuliya Andzhekarska, Feifei Zeng, Joana Branco Coelho and Anas Badawi. Also acknowledged are the partner organizations that supported with peer reviews during the whole process of developing this manual and the testing of the training curricula of TACC project: FuturEurope (Gizem Özöztürk Barutçu, Rolands Busers), Youth On Board (Sanja Maksimova, Pane Stefanov, Angela Vitanovska), Youth Human Impact (Magdalena Koniecko, Katarzyna Dębiec), CONEXX-EU (Laura Pardo Garcia, Amaia Garzon, Allende Solaun), Support Group Network (Eman Albohtori, Najat Almerdi, Bilal Almobarak) and Migration_Miteinander e.V. (Lara Villieras-Guepey, Carlo Alberto Italia and Tauqeer Kazmi). Last but not least, our team appreciates the participation and active involvement of promising youth workers when Leadership and Advocacy Training were implemented in Sofia, Bulgaria and Istanbul, Turkey, respectively.


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Tool overview

TACC Training Toolkit on Youth Leadership and Advocacy

This tool is for

Youth Workers, Peer educators, trainers and teachers familiar with non formal education methods

and addresses

Social Inclusion, Youth Participation

It is recommended for use in:

Strategic Partnerships
Capacity Building

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

International Foundation for Y-PEER Development

in the context of

TACC KA2 Project, "Take Action, Create the Change"

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Sukaina El Outa (on 4 April 2024)

and last modified

2 April 2024

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