Toolbox — For Training and Youth Work
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This toolkit includes the Emotional Management theory and more than 80 tool and games for teachers, parents, students and youth workers.
It was created to enable teachers, parents, students and youth workers to support high school age students facing social media and internet caused addiction and other negative effects.
The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for School Education named “EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT: Tool to Fight Social Media Dependency” started in October 2019 and although it was originally planned to last 24 months, it got lengthened due to COVID-19, to 35 months. The project was created as the local and international cooperation of secondary schools, NGOs and local governments from Spain, Portugal, and Romania in order to train teachers and parents in emotional management, to enable them to support high school age students facing social media and internet caused addiction and other negative effects.
The Toolkit starts with the theory of Emotional Management, detailing not only how the mind works but also ways everyday people, including students, teachers, and parents can be aware of their emotions, manage them and help their peers and those around them manage theirs.
Then it goes on presenting 81 games, activities, happenings advice and ways to conduct activities by teachers to students indoors and outdoors. All these have been researched and tested in the 3 high schools in the project. Then, to conclude, the book includes six testimonies of those teachers who worked the most on the project and the creation of this resource.
SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.
This tool is for
teachers, parents, students and youth workers
and addresses
Personal Development, Conflict Management
It is recommended for use in:
Strategic Partnerships
The tool was created by
Youth Association from Transylvania
in the context of
Within a Strategic Partnership
The tool has been experimented in
3 schools
The tool was published to the Toolbox by
Nagy Geza Attila (on 29 November 2022)
and last modified
29 October 2022
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