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e-Venture: "Promoting youth entrepreneurship with few opportunities in Europe", the Guide

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Content, resources, tools, activities and methodologies, aimed at professionals in the youth field. Created to facilitate youth support in processes of creation and implementation of business ideas.
Visit the web page

Aims of the tool

This Guide - Training Course: e-Venture, is one result of the development of educational tools and innovative digital methodologies in the entrepreneurship field.
The objective of this web page and e-learning ( platform that includes the Guide is focused on:
- Promote the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences of Youth workers, in order to accompany young people with fewer opportunities, during their process of creating business ideas or social projects.
- Promote the acquisition of youth work skills.
- Promote the autonomy of young people.
- Promote employability and social entrepreneurship initiatives.
- Promote the exchange of good practices and initiatives developed in the European Union in the field of social entrepreneurship, among the different agents participating in the project.
- Improve the Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education.
- Improve new learning and teaching methods and approaches
- Improve the Inclusion of young people with few opportunities.

Description of the tool

A complete guide focused on youth entrepreneurship, aimed at both professionals who work with the youth sector and young people themselves who want to start their path in the (social) business world, where they will find theoretical and practical information in different languages.
Initially produced in English, and later translated into Spanish, Greek, Romanian and Italian, this guide can be found both in printable and downloadable PDF format, and on the project website ( and learning platform , where for each chapter the reader has a test to verify if the concepts have been understood and where they can obtain a certificate of achievement at the end of each test.

The Guide is divided into 5 chapters covering the following topics with their corresponding recommendations for practical activities that can be applied with groups of young people (almost 200 pages to navigate the topic that interests us, youth entrepreneurship with fewer opportunities).
1. Knowing the social economy
2. Knowing the context where I move
3. Start your personal e-Venture
4. Digitization of your Business
5. Training for entrepreneurs

In addition, the guide offers a large number of activities and group dynamics to put the concepts explained into practice, focused mainly on the realization of where professionals can create practical environments with young people and approach the concepts from a much closer and more fun perspective. . Thanks to these activities that you will find at the end of each chapter, approaching the world of entrepreneurship will be much more entertaining and motivating than the typical theoretical explanation of each process that this path involves.

This guide has been created for young people with fewer opportunities, but any young person can benefit from it. We also include specific resources and links in each country participating in the project, where young people can more directly understand the idiosyncrasies of their country and find specific resources.

If to all this theoretical-practical part we add the online game created (accesible also in SALTO:, young people can really get involved in the world of the entrepreneur and have the first sensations, doubts, questions, knowledge... in short, they will be more prepared to start any business activity.

This Guide (and e-learning platform) is one of the results of e-VENTURE project, a Key Action 2 (KA2) project of cooperation between organizations, co-financed by the Erasmus + program of the European Union, with the collaboration and support of the Spanish National Agency (ANE).


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

e-Venture: "Promoting youth entrepreneurship with few opportunities in Europe", the Guide

This tool is for

Youth workers Young people Young people with few opportunities Future entrepreneurs

and addresses

YOUTH in ACTION (YiA) programme, Personal Development, Youth Participation

It is recommended for use in:

Training and Networking
Capacity Building

Materials needed:

Internet connection if you use the e-learning platform (web page) to complete the tests.
Laptop or mobile device (digital version)


You can choose the duration of your activity selecting less or more activities (group dynamics) from the guide, also adding the theoretical part or just using the practical part.

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Fundacio Privada Eveho - Arsis - Liberamente - Predict

in the context of

e-Venutre KA220-YOU-000029140

The tool has been experimented in

Workshops, Multiplier events, Trainings, Seminar experience...

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Eveho Fundacio Privada (on 23 July 2024)

and last modified

22 July 2024

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