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Group Division

Double portrait with dialogue

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Is a new non-formal type of artistic method (requiring no special artistic skills) that can be used by a group of young people with different (social, economic, cultural) backgrounds. .

Aims of the tool

This tool can be used by a group of young people with different (social, economic, cultural) backgrounds, in order to stimulate intercultural learning and tollerance, to valorize cultural differencies.

Description of the tool

This tool is applied in pairs of 2 formed by mixed participants (one roma and one danish, let's say).
They recieve a list of questions about their culture (refferences added at documentation) and the symbols they said they are represented by. (you have to search images with those symbols on internet in advance, print the images and cut them on the outline before the session.)
2 members of the pair will stay one in front of the other with the paper symbols near them. They will chose a symbol from the partner and they will try to find more about (why that person choosed that symbol, what is representing for him/her). Both participants will do this, and after each of them will start to make a portrat of the other one using that paper symbol and the art supplies (crayons, acrilics, etc.) During painting/drawing, they will use the question list to find out things about the partener (his culture, if he/she ever felt dicriminated, etc).
Like coordinator of the method, you have to encourage participants to use the symbols in creative ways (if you have Eiffel tower, it can be used like a crown or medallion) and to not forget to use the question on the list.
You can change pairs 3-4 times in order to give all the participants to know all the colleagues with different backgrounds.
Consider that maybe you will need translator for the teams if the participants come form different countries and they don't know english. THis is important if you have youngsters with few oportunities, in order to give them equal chances for participating.
The method help the participants to know eachother better, to be curious about the other's background, to take differencies in a positive way, to empathise about being discriminated and to take action against it.


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SALTO cannot be held responsible for the inappropriate use of these training tools. Always adapt training tools to your aims, context, target group and to your own skills! These tools have been used in a variety of formats and situations. Please notify SALTO should you know about the origin of or copyright on this tool.

Tool overview

Double portrait with dialogue

This tool is for

Groups containing people with different backgrounds (economic, social, cultural).

and addresses

Social Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Intercultural Learning

It is recommended for use in:

Action 1.2 (Youth Initiatives)
Action 2 (European Voluntary Service)

Materials needed:

printed blanked out cultural symbols, papers, pencils, crayons other art supplies if desired.


a mirror - portrait session can take from 15 mins to maximum 40 mins (if you work with acrilics or tempera).
We reccomand more sessions in order that participants know more colleagues.

Behind the tool

The tool was created by

Youth Initiative project with a heterogeneous group of participants- romanians, roma, foreigners)

in the context of

Bianca Gainus

The tool has been experimented in

This method was created for the YIA project ,,Young FAce of Old Europe,, , 1.2. (2011))

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

bianca gainus (on 8 May 2012)

and last modified

8 May 2012

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