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A Booklet " Roots of Hate Speech"

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This booklet results from our project on Invisible Discrimination and suggests methods to raise awareness on the topic. Roots of Hate Speech; we present our project, the methods we've created as well as its impact in our community.

Aims of the tool

We aim to to promote tolerance, equal rights and non-discriminatory values among youngsters, by learning how to create meaningful and efficient local Raise Awareness Campaigns.

Description of the tool

Discrimination appears when people are treated unfairly or unjustly based on characteristics like ethnicity, age, gender, disability or other aspects. Young people facing discrimination often deal with uncertainties about their future due to political populism, social exclusion, and fake news. These challenges can make it hard for young people to find equal opportunities in education and jobs, and they might feel left out or unfairly judged. This can lead to feelings of isolation and a lack of confidence in society.
Political populism can make things worse by spreading divisive messages that target marginalized groups. This not only increases discrimination but also makes it seem acceptable to some, making it harder for young people to imagine a fair and equal future. Social exclusion further isolates young people, cutting them off from important resources and support. This can create a cycle of poverty and marginalization, making it even tougher to overcome discrimination


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Tool overview

A Booklet " Roots of Hate Speech"

This tool is for

Target group is youth worker, NGOs, schools.

and addresses


It is recommended for use in:

Training and Networking

Behind the tool

The tool was created by


(If you can claim authorship of this tool, please contact !)

The tool was published to the Toolbox by

Fatih UZUNOZ (on 7 October 2024)

and last modified

3 October 2024

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