we intend to built a solidary citizenship and also a concerned one about the hability to change the social reality and the respect for the planet

With this proyect, within the context of the Erasmus + european programs, we intend to built a solidary citizenship and also a concerned one about the hability to change the social reality and the respect for the planet. In order to do it, we will rely on the purposes defined by the ODS (Sostenible Developing Objectives), using the learning method of the non formal education to, from the united participation and creation, generate ideas and initiatives to make possible a more fair and committed society.
The action plan of this proyect will be lead by a group of volunteers formed by the Youth Association RECENTIA and young people at risk of social exclusion from the UAET (Temporal Emergency Reception Unity) and SILDAVIA (Help Against Drugs Association) and any european person who is interested in sharing this sensitivity.
This way, the development of the itinerary will lead us to the solidary creation of an available Integrative and Interactive Social-Environmental Guide that will be able to be used as a learnign tool by any local association or group, as any young person with access through social media and the NNTT making the impact and the social transformation persued by this proyect bigger and reaching the local, regional and international society.
This program includes 3 action plan;
1- Investigation, diagnosis and creation of the Social- Environmental didactic guide
Work in the countryside outdoors
Photographic safari
Ecological inventory
Visits and excursions in natural parks and sites
Design and make up the book

2- Education in values and social habilities
Group dinamics. Presentations, meeting, group union, coflicts resolutions…
Experience sharing. Exchange of experiences related to equality, exclusión, environment…
Group construction activities. Presentations, exhibitions, lectures…

3- International thematic cultural nights
Walks in the city
Free time
Dances of the world

Every point will develop different action lines with their different contents to reach the objectives and gain the skills that this proyect has in its origin. Everything will be done during the exchange in a participation clime that provides us meeting places and solidary and inclusive multicultural reflections, making possible the colective and united creation of a society and a more sostenible and fair planet. This will, also, stand out the important role that volunteering plays in the future of young people like main characters of the social transformation.

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Project overview

Asociación Juvenil Recentia
taking place
from 2020-07 till 2020-08
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Environment
  • Health
  • Innovation
  • Integration
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Minorities
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development
  • Urban/rural development

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