Youth for future - Volunteering project in Jönköping, Sweden

'Youth for future' aims at developing activities focused on democracy in municipal youth centres in Jönköping, Sweden. Are you 18-30 years old? Apply now!

Our volunteering project aims to increase youth’s knowledge about democracy and how to make use of it. The setting for the project will be youth centres in the municipality of Jönköping – an area with almost 150.000 inhabitants, located in the Swedish province Småland. The municipality’s youth centres together with other parts of the organisation and the local civil society (i.e sports associations and NGO’s) are working in tandem to increase awareness, integration and inclusion. The youth centres are working with children and youth in different ages, but especially target those who are 10-19 years old. They offer both after-school and evening activities, depending on which age group the youth centre in question is aimed at.

All youth centres aim at continuous efforts to broaden and increase understanding, consciousness and tolerance for one another. Since Jönköping is a diverse city it is important to create an environment where everyone of any age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and functional ability can flourish. The municipality’s youth centers play an important role in this work as they foster the city’s next generations. Therefore, our project objective is to increase solidarity between different cultures through activities focused on democracy. We are convinced that the different tools, activities, experiences and knowledge that you will bring from your local youth centres, hometowns and home countries, can help us levering the young people’s voices further.

We are looking to host 4 volunteers during 12 months, starting 1 September. Volunteers will work with the project activity Dags för Tjafs 2.0 – a project activity focused on democracy. In addition to developing your own democracy related projects, the volunteers will be a part of the youth centres everyday work. We believe that this will facilitate your adaption to the context and enable understanding of how the target group functions. When taking part of the youth centres’ everyday work you and the staff will organise different types of activities, such as creating art crafts, quizzes and discussions on various subjects, as well as doing outdoor activities with the children and youth. Aside from this, you will also be encouraged to plan and carry out other projects and activities that rhyme well with the municipality’s, project’s and ESC’s goals.

Are you 18-30 years and interested in taking part in our project? Don’t hesitate to contact us or apply! The last day to hand in your application is the 15th of May 2021. Before applying, don’t forget to find a sending organisation and get yourself, and provide us with, your individual number for the system.

See the attached PDF for more information regarding the application and for the requirements/qualifications we are searching for in a volunteer.

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Project overview

Youth for future - Volunteering project in Jönköping, Sweden is a project by
Jönköping Municipality
taking place
from 2021-09-01 till 2022-09-01
This project relates to:
Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Media and communication
  • Volunteering

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