Youth Exchange: Green Choice

Green Choice is focusing on unemployed young people and aim to inspire 30 young people for becoming green entrepreneurs.

We are looking for partners from E.U. countries, that:

*can send 5 or 6 unemployed young people to Romania between 15-22 June 2019;
*are interested about the topic of the project;
* will get involved in all the steps of the project.

If you are interested, please send us an email with the PIF to, latest to 20 January 2019.

Youth unemployment rate increased in recent years, fact that affects young people's life economically, mentally and socially. Green Choice is focusing on unemployed young people and aim to inspire 30 young people for becoming green entrepreneurs. The objectives of the project are to help the youngsters to learn more about themselves, about a healthy way of living and about new opportunities they can use to develop a green/agro-business. We will spend most of the time of the exchange on a Healthy Camp and with non-formal methods, workshops, theater and art, we will learn how to have a healthier way of living, in the same time working to agro-business plans that could be applied by the participants back home. The participants will learn and achieve experience about educational farming, agro-tourism, beekeeping, herb growing, clay handcrafting, home-made products, living in a rural community and experiencing a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

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Project overview

Youth Exchange: Green Choice is a project by
taking place
from 2019-06-15 till 2019-06-22
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environment
  • Health
  • Sustainable development
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles
Unemployed youth, youth from rural area

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