The Partner-Finding Tool
Tumult wants to give youth the opportunity to truly discover and experience another culture. We facilitate this via two youth exchange trips in the summer.
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Tumult wants to give young people the opportunity to truly discover and experience another culture. That's why since 2004 we organize youth exchanges for young people, between 16 and 18 years old. In recent years our young people went to Uganda, Ukraine, Belarus, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Ecuador, Cameroon, Vietnam, Congo, Bolivia, Nepal Morocco, Uganda, Palestine, India and Lebanon. This summer (2024) we went to Turkey and Montenegro.
The youth exchange trip itself lasts two to three weeks and takes place during the summer but it is more than just a touristic trip: it is a group process with a pre- and post-training to which the journey itself is the climax of the process. The preparation process is done by a range of sessions, a selection of the participants (where we try to select a diverse group of youths), two weekends and one day just before leaving. In these weekends we try to prepare the participants practically and substantively so they can go abroad in a responsible way. Themes as culture shock, White Saviour complex, cultural awareness, sustainable travelling and ethnocentricity are cited. After the trip follows an evaluation weekend. Throughout the year, the youth share their experiences with their network, in order to multiply the effects.
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