YE "YALAH: Youth in Action to Learn About Human rights"

Generating spaces for reflection among young Europeans on the situation of refugees(Saharawi&others) to share experiences & foster awareness&social denunciation

! In order to apply for becoming our partner in this youth exchange, we would like to kindly ask you to fill in the following Google form. It will not take you more than ten minutes and it will be of great help to us. These questions will be included in the project proposal to be submitted):

During the 7 days + 2 travelling days of the project, the 30 participants (including group leaders) will participate in talks, workshops, debates and activities around the Western Sahara conflict: past and present, consequences, and condemn and social awareness about the situation on the Saharawi refugees.
All this accompanied by the discussion and reflection of the situation and linking to other situations related to the refugees in each country and the initiatives that have been carried out there.

By participating in this project young participants will be able to:
1.0. Make the Sahara conflict visible and build a critical opinion on it.
1.1. Foster debate on different political, social and humanitarian conflicts around the world.
1.2. Raise awareness of the scope of political interests in the management of international conflicts.
1.3. Raise awareness of the magnitude of media manipulation in dealing with issues such as the refugee crisis.
1.4. Raise awareness on the situation of refugees, especially the Saharawi people.
1.5. Share knowledge, initiatives and projects carried out by the different European countries.

The APV will take place in June 2020. The YE will take place in July 2020. Both mobilities (APV & YE) will take place in Rubí, a municipality 25km far from Barcelona (it takes around 35min by train from Barcelona city center).
! Note that during the project we will NOT visit Barcelona.

Each group will be formed by 5 young people aged 18-30 years old + 1 leader (no age limit).

While there are no specific requirements related to country participation, we would be interested in participating countries:
1.0. Linked to the situation of the refugees.
1.1. Interested in the issue of the Saharawi conflict.

We would also rather create partnerships with organizations linked to:
1.0. Human Rights. As the project will be focused on the Saharawi conflict, without losing sight of others around the world, we would appreciate the participation of organisations that already have a project on this topic.
1.1. Inclusive associations. We highly appreciate the participation of every kind of people in our projects, and we consider that is it important to raise awareness and to make those people who do not normally have access to this kind of information getting involved. All associations working on a daily basis to achieve inclusion in all its forms will be welcome, especially if it works with disadvantaged youth or that have mobility difficulties.
1.2. Non formal education. Any association that works around non-formal education. Including:
1.2.1. Social and community art: graphic arts, theatre forum,...
1.2.2. Social intervention initiatives.


NOTE: We will only consider those partnerships applications who send us their PIF and who answer the Google form provided:
Those applications without the google form filled will be automatically dismissed.

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Project overview

YE "YALAH: Youth in Action to Learn About Human rights" is a project by
Taller d'Art, Cultura i Creació
taking place
from 2020-06 till 2020-07
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

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