World under your feather

World under your feather - project about media literacy and its importance for youth.

Project „World under your feather“ is combination of youth workers training and youth Exchange Project, organised by association „Unique Projects“.

Nowadays we life in the society which is ruled and highly influenced by social and mass media. So it is very important to learn how to use and evaluate information which we receive. It is especially actual for young people who are very vulnerable by social media. Media literacy - is the ability to access, analyse, evaluate, and create media. Media literate youth and adults are better able to understand the complex messages we receive. Being media literate is not only capability to evaluate information, but also creating your own message. In order to be heard and have impact in society we need to find the key to effective communication through mass media, to become media literate. Learning how to use mass media efficiently can become significant tool to solving various youth problems – all the World could be under our feather if only we learn how to use it.
Topic of the Project is media literacy and its importance for youth.

Project‘s aim is:
Empower youth to evaluate and use mass media
Project’s goals:
• To raise awareness about mass media and its effects for society and youth.
• To increase media literacy of project‘s participants and related stakeholders.
• To communicate important messages about nowaday issues (e.g. refugee situation) to wider society through our media channels.

Project will consist of youth workers training which will take place on February 2017 (3 days + 1 travel day) and youth exchange which will take place in the end of April, 2017 (6 days + 1 travel day).

1) We are willing to establish mutual partnerships. It means if you want to be our partners we are looking forward to project proposal from your side as well.
2) Please pay attention if your country is from list of countries we are looking for partners from.
3) Fill attached partner form (it is not standard PIF and includes couple additional questions).
4) Fill and sign attached mandate form and send it together with partner form to

We will inform you about selection results on 21.09.2016

This project has been viewed 224 times.

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Project overview

World under your feather is a project by
Unique Projects
taking place
from 2017-01 till 2017-06
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges, Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Social media
  • Youth policy
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Disability
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

Short URL to this project:

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