WorkAbility - Training for Youth Workers

WorkAbility - Youth workers for youngsters with disabilities” is a Mobility of Youth Workers developed under the KA1 of Erasmus + Programme.

The idea
EU policies emphasise equal access to quality education and lifelong learning as key factors in enabling full participation in society. Education should be inclusive in all its levels (formal, non formal and informal), meaning that people with disabilities should not be excluded because of their impairment or disability status.
Statistics however show some concerning numbers: almost one disabled person out of 10 aged 15-64 participated in education and training (formal and non-formal education); this was half the level for non-disabled people.
The idea of this training is to bring together 25 youth workers from Program Countries (with or without experience in the topic) and to focus on acquiring knowledge and improving skills in working with young people with disabilities to increase inclusion and participation for this particular group.
The main topics addressed during the training include effective communication, empowerment of young people, inclusion activities, quality partnerships, as well as productive reflection on adapting methods to suit the needs and capabilities of young people with disabilities.

The Partners
We are searching for 7 organisations, already working or interested in developing future projects to include people with disabilities.
Each partner organization should be able to send 3 participants to the training

The Coordinator
Youth on the Move is a Romanian youth Association that works mostly with young
persons with fewer opportunities. We are giving essential couching for youngsters on their way through the job market, organizing trainings on local level, mobility and EVS stages.

When and where
In Romania, Calimanesti-Caciulata,
15-23 June 2018 (arrival and departure days included)

Contact to express interest or for more information

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Project overview

WorkAbility - Training for Youth Workers is a project by
Asociatia "Youth on the Move"
taking place
from 2018-01 till 2018-12
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Disability
  • Health
  • Human rights
  • Leadership
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability
  • Youth policy

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