Work UP - Youth Exchange

Work Up is a youth exchange initiative implemented in Romania for 30 youngsters aged 18 - 30, mainly from rural areas.

We are searching for partner sending organization for youth exchange that will be held in romania in august 2018.
Based on our experience in the field of youth and in the field of Erasmus + exchanges in particular, we seek to enhance the international learning experience by implementing this project with 30 participants in Romania.
The main issues tackled by the project will be the unemployment of youngsters and the competences that they will need to aquire to succesfully integrate in a very dinamic labour market.
We will involve in this project youngsters from rural areas and small communities with social and economical difficulties.
Contact us if you want to join our project!
PIF and Mandate Letter available in the attachements.

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Project overview

Work UP - Youth Exchange is a project by
Asociatia "Youth on the Move"
taking place
from 2018-03-01 till 2018-12-01
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles

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