WOMEN & PEACE: The role of women in Peace processes

The project aims to highlight the role that women have in negotiations to get peace in the different wars, through music and oral tradition as a tool to work.

Despite their active role as fighters, peacemakers and activists, women have tended to be underestimated or ignored during negotiations, perceived as the passive victims of war. Through talks, workshops, debates and testimonies young people acquire knowledge and tools to foster spaces where putting in common the best tool in peace processes: the dialogue.

We are going to work about the role of women in peace processes through the music and oral tradition as a tool. During the youth exchange the young participants will analyze redemption songs and oral traditional pieces, as they suppose a powerful tool for claiming for peace and human rights.

Finally, participants will develop a final performance to spread what they have learned during the youth exchange.

• To create a debate around the role of women in Peace processes.
• To promote music and oral tradition as a tool for claiming for peace and human rights, through non-formal education.
• To create a link among young Europeans and partner entities through a youth exchange.
• To create visibility of the Erasmus + program for youngsters living in Sabadell.

• To foster spaces where dialogue become a tool for peace processes.
• To create a debate around the role of women in peace processes and to develop awareness in the different cultures of Europe.
• To promote the acquisition of knowledge to tackle the prejudices or underestimation around the role of women in peace processes.
• To promote social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities through oral traditions and music.
• To propose new projects that give continuity to the main objective of the project in other countries.
• To debate and promote the acquisition of knowledge around the topic among youngsters between 18 and 30 years old.

From the 17th of May to the 25th of May 2018 (17th and 25th as travelling days).
24th May: International day of Women for Peace and Disarmament.

WHO? Partners profile
For this youth exchange we seek partners from five countries of the European Union with experience in the Erasmus+ Program.
We will consider those associations who:
- have experience in women’s empowerment projects (2)
- have experience in human rights, peace and dialogue projects (2)
- have experience in the music discipline (2)
- or projects with the target group or particularly sensitive to the subject to be treated.

In order to apply for becoming our partner in this youth exchange, we would like to kindly ask you answer in 5 lines the following two questions (which we will include in the project proposal to be submitted):
1. How your organization will contribute to the youth exchange (that is, activities that you will lead).
2. How participants from your country will be able to spread the knowledge from the project in the local community.

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Project overview

WOMEN & PEACE: The role of women in Peace processes is a project by
Taller d'Art, Cultura i Creació
taking place
from 2018-05-17 till 2018-05-25
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

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