Walk the walk...and talk the talk!

WWATT addresses the issues of participation of young people in democratic processes and the inclusion of immigrants in local democratic dynamics.

WWATT aims to promote active participation of young people (16-19) with a set of activities:
a)Locally, they are expected to interview 4 citizens of their community (2 national and 2 immigrants) on what they perceive are some problems of their community, as well as they are available to be part of the community;
b) Create an infographic about their community with objective data;
c) Participate in the YE about democracy and create a proposal of activity that could be implemented in the community, to be presented to their local political body;
d) Develop a local event in which they present their proposal to the community and municipality as well.

The project is described in detail in attachment. Please read it carefully and If you're interested in being partners, we ask you to fill the partner form below. We will only consider applications that send us the application form provided by e-mail: caabcentro@gmail.com

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Project overview

Walk the walk...and talk the talk! is a project by
CAAB - Centro Cultural e Recreativo de Aguada de Baixo
taking place
from 2024-07-01 till 2025-03-31
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • European citizenship
  • Non-formal learning
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles

Short URL to this project:


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