Volunteering for decent future

We are looking for a volunteer which will help our international department (communicating with our partners, project support) and help with other activities.

Nowadays, more and more young people are facing precarious work i.e. they are forced to work working in precarious (insecure) conditions for less and less money, their working hours are getting longer and the quality of life is consequently decreasing. Countries around the world want to improve this, but the reality does not coincide with the regulations in this field. Our Movement is striving to inform people about their rights and is also fighting against abusive interests, which we witness in the labor market. The volunteer's work will be divided in two parts. They will help us lead the international network and search for partners for projects.

The second part of their work will be to help with Movement's activities on the national level (organizing and recording of events, interviewing precarious workers in English, helping with other projects of the Movement). During the project the volunteer will be considered a full member of our organization and as such they will gain experience and knowledge by helping out at our events and with the international network where different organizations will join in fight against precarious work. To do so, first they will monitor the current situation, later they will organize their own events, find similar organizations and prepare and be in charge of the content for the website of the international network, while simultaneously gaining practical knowledge, as well as theoretical, that they will come across during the project and that will help them create her own perception of the problem. With this project we want to ensure continuous support for the international network where organizations which share the same goals as our organization will communicate with one another, coordinate and share experiences, as well as expand the volunteer’s knowledge and experience regarding this topic and the work of non-governmental organizations. This project will also contribute to upgrade Movement's activities that are oriented on a more national level.

This project has been viewed 116 times.

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Project overview

taking place
from 2019-02-01 till 2020-01-31
This project relates to:
Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
and is focusing on:
  • Democracy/Active citizenship
  • EVS volunteer wanted
  • Unemployment/employability
  • Youth policy

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