Training of young mediterranean actors

TYMA seminar will bring together about 10 countries from the two shores of the Mediterranean area. The seminar is an opportunity for active youth workers.

This project aims to build a Euro-Mediterranean Network for youth workers, to improve the quality of inter-cooperational projects between European and Southern Mediterranean partner countries. TYMA promotes to build the capacities of youth with diverse non-formal education pedagogical tools, meanwhile supporting their project proposals to come into realization.

TYMA Seminar taking place in Marseille, France from the 2nd to the 8th of December 2022, entitled “TYMA; Training Young Mediterranean Actors”.

This intercooperational project is designed to bring participants and structural organization in close contact with the following:

Intercultural dialogue facilitation tools in a professional context.
High potential and motivated youth workers from European and Southern partner countries to meet and exchange their experience through a lived mobility project.
Youth workers involved in Erasmus and youth engaged in Mobility Program to navigate new opportunities for cooperation strategies.
Enhancing partnership and capacity building leadership tools aiming to create international cooperation tangible projects that address the communities needs in different contexts and in times of emergency /unprecedented situations.
Develop youth workers’ competencies in the local and international level. Therefore, they are equipped for future collaboration, networking, designing, planning and implementing their projects.

Participants’ profile
There are no age limits for the participants but they have to be more than eighteen years old. We will try to respect gender equality within this group, in agreement with the partner association. Participants will be selected based on the needs of each partner organization, ensuring a gender balance as well as a social balance. No specific skills are required to participate in the project. Although, every participant has to:

Be a youth worker and work in the field of non-formal education;
Interest in the field of Enhancement of Artistic and Historical Heritage;
Motivation and personal expectations
Basic knowledge of English language.
Experience in working in group
We encourage the participation of those youth workers with fewer opportunities due to:
Economic obstacles, cultural differences, social and geographical obstacles;
Lack of opportunities to participate in a mobility project and meet other people of different nationalities.

If you are interested to take part to the project kindly refer to the following e-mail address:

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Project overview

Training of young mediterranean actors is a project by
Bokra Sawa
taking place
from 2022-12-02 till 2022-12-08
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Coach for Youth Initiative
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Cultural differences

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