Training course Stop disCRIMEination!

Project is aiming to fight against prejudices and stereotypes providing participants usefull tools for creating social campagnes.

Training course will be organized by NGO "VoVo" from Zagreb and it will take place form 7.3. till 15.3.2015. in a hostel in city center of Zagreb. It will gather 30 participants from 8 countries all over the Europe.
Maing goal is to indicate importance of fighting against stereotypes, discrimination and social inclusion by showing participants how to create social campagne and use it in their work as young professionals working all kinds of organizations.
Creation of this project was result from participation on national training TIC TAC. During the activity representatives of partner organization agreed that the issue of ineffective promotion and lack of engagement from the side of young people is common in different countries, thus they agreed to organize a project that will help to improve that situation. Also, we believe that with this 8 day long training course we can upgrade participants knowledge to fight against stereotypes, discrimination and social exclusion, and by upgrading theirs knowledge they can successfully fight against it in near future. Moreover, showing them how to create social campagne and use them in successfull fight against specified social problem, some of time will be dedicated to communication classes which we believe that are important when we talk about fighting against social problems and creation of social campagnes.
As a result of the project youth works will develop new skills in social marketing, better understanding of social problems and they will improve their communication skills. They will deepen the sense of entrepreneurship and responsibility of their work among their target groups. Due to improvement and professionalization of their work they will be more attractive and more influential in their community, thus they will bring more attention to concerning social issues and engage more people in their work. The results of the project will be shared on social media platforms and websites. Beside them, a handbook will be released that will include all the outcomes of the project, good practices and learning methods. The entire outcome will serve as a basis for future cooperation among participants who will find potential future partners working in the same field of interest.
At the end they will have opportunity to develop social campagne which they can use in work in their organization and projects, which will be evaluated from trainers and othe experienced staff on training course. This actions will be process of dissemination of results

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Project overview

Training course Stop disCRIMEination! is a project by
Volim Volontirati - "VoVo"
taking place
from 2015-03-07 till 2015-03-15
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
and is focusing on:
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Innovation
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Social media

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