Training course on circus disciplines

We want to organize an international Training Course on circus disciplines combining physical activity with creativity and art.

The main idea of the project is that circus is accessible to everybody regardless of their age, physical condition, gender… By practicing this activity, children and teenager develop physical skills, social skills and personal skills.

We want to propose appealing activities to youngsters in the form of circus pedagogy workshops. Apart from being attractive to young people, these activities convey modern values of citizenship, honesty and cooperation and at the same time build personal self-esteem and trust.

We want to educate people involved in the youth field (youth workers) such as school teachers, sport teachers and youth center leaders from all over Europe and provide them with an innovative and flexible method of work.

We want to show them how to create, organize and implement circus workshop with kids and teenagers.

During the training, we give lessons about:

- Circus skills: juggling, diabolo, poi, Chinese plates, slack line, balloon modeling and group acrobatics.

- How to organize a circus workshop. This part is composed of theoretical lectures and exercises about safety, equipment, and how to prepare and adapt a circus workshop to the participants, the space available and the duration of projects. There is also a practical exercise.

- How to create simple circus performance with the participants. This part is composed of theoretical lectures about safety, practical and pedagogical aspect of creating a short performance and practical exercise where youth workers create their own performance and present to public.

The Training Course will take place in Tusa, Sicily, in mid May 2019 and it will last a week.

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Project overview

Training course on circus disciplines is a project by
New Horizons
taking place
from 2019-02-01 till 2019-09-01
This project relates to:
Training and Networking
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

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