Think, work, create!

Project about youth's unemployment, entrepreneurship and innovative thinking. Activities will include creativity development, business problems solving etc.

The project will discuss entrepreneurship and innovative thinking themes. We will discuss the problem of youth's unemployment, opportunities about developing new business, problems of creative people, who has ideas but doesn't know how to get into the market. During the projects we will try to improve our creativity, self-confidence, innovative thinking, ability to look at the situation from other point of view. We will use various methodology, learn by doing, consult with each other, create business ideas, their prototypes and then present them to other people. We will share our experience, discuss business and market differences in different Europe countries. By non-formal learning we will get wider understanding about companies' work, competences needed to get a work place and importance of creativity in any life sphere.

This project has been viewed 365 times.

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Project overview

Think, work, create! is a project by
Unique Projects
taking place
from 2015-09-12 till 2015-09-22
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Leadership
  • Non-formal learning
  • Unemployment/employability

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