Theater of the Oppressed as a Tool in Youth Exchanges

The Theatre of the Oppressed as a tool for youth teams and activities under the Erasmus+ program

The current project's primary goal is to introduce the Theatre of the Oppressed as a tool for youth teams and activities under the Erasmus+ program. Theatre of the Oppressed is a set of non-formal learning methods and exercises of Augusto Boal, which places the viewer in the spotlight of the theatrical act, turning him into the protagonist of the play and in this way helping him to become the protagonist in real life by learning how to act and change the world in which he lives in.
The project will encourage the participants and then the young people with whom they work, especially those with fewer opportunities, independently of social, educational or cultural backgrounds, to communicate their thoughts, express their feelings, learn how not to accept injustice and oppression. They will learn how to express their thoughts on european issues, participate in the construction of Europe, identify common values with people from other countries despite their cultural differences, challenging views that perpetuate inequality and discrimination,promote respect for cultural heritage and the fight against racism and xenophobia.
Coordinator of the project is ActArt, an informal group of young people which consists of many and very experienced members both in Theatre of the Oppressed and in the coordination and organisation of european programs. The quantity and quality of the partners achieves the second objective of the plan which is the internationalization of the participants, the strengthening of the relationships between the partners and the exchange of experience on issues concerning young people. Finally, the project will award the participants with a Youthpass certificate and in this way strengthen them in the context of training or job search, as set by the Erasmus +.
Since Theatre of the Oppressed sets as its main value that “everybody can play theatre”, in its excercises and methods no discrimination is created and no privilege is promoted according to sex, age or any other identity. Priority was given to the participation of people experiencing social or financial barriers and more specifically to those who face discrimination based on sex, age, ethnic origin, religion, etc., have a low standard of living, low income and dependence on social welfare system or a situation of long-term unemployment or poverty. We believe that their participation in the project will first help themselves and then the young people with whom they work.
articipants will learn about all forms of the Theatre of the Oppressed. (Image Theatre, Forum Theatre, Invisible Theatre). They will become familiar with the general exercises related to capacity development under the Theatre of the Oppressed, they will learn how to help young people to use the expressive means and how to better activate them during the exercises, they will experience how the Theatre of the Oppressed offers the space for direct contact and exchange of views and they will be able to use all this knowledge afterwards in their own youth groups, to elicit reflection and discussion.
The project will involve 37 people from a total of 15 organizations and 15 countries. ActArt will provide all partners with relevant printed and digital material to facilitate the preparation of the participants and their introduction to the world of the Theatre of the Oppressed. By the end of the seminar ActArt and its partners will produce informative material on the “Theatre of the Oppressed as a tool in Youth Exchanges” which will be available online to be used by all interested organizations. This will be translated into as many languages as possible, sent to the SALTO platform, published on the websites of partner organizations, published in the local press and in social media and in the end it will be presented to relevant information sessions or workshops and events which will follow the realization of the seminar.
The objective of the dissemination and utilization plan is to be beneficial not only for us but also for our partners and for other operators in Europe. We believe that the dissemination and exploitation activities can create new opportunities for the expansion of the project and its results and create new partnerships in the future.

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Project overview

Theater of the Oppressed as a Tool in Youth Exchanges is a project by
taking place
from 2015-06-09 till 2015-06-14
and is focusing on:
  • Art
  • Conflict management
  • Drama and theatre
  • Intercultural dialogue
  • Non-formal learning
  • Peace and conflict
  • Unemployment/employability
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences

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