The Spirit of Europe – Origins – PlayPoints partners

We look for associated partners to be involved as PlayPoints for an educational video game exploring history, The Spirit of Europe – Origins.

You can be involved as PlayPoints centres for a free educational video game exploring history, The Spirit of Europe – Origins.

The Play Points can be virtual or physical location within an active organization/institution/structure in the fields concerned, such as: NGOs, schools, universities, companies, public authorities, libraries, museums, elderly centres, adult professional centres, alternative educational centres for youth and adults, youth centres, intercultural centres/institutes etc.

The structures which will be engaged and introduce the concept of Play Point will have to:
- delegate one person to familiarise with the game, as starting activity (6-8 hours, it depends on the chosen difficulty);
- be able to present the game to potential interested participants;
- involve at least 20 participants in fully playing the game as a non formal method of learning about European values and history;

- provide a space for interactions, discussions and opinion-sharing with other game users, offer feedback and a space for actually processing the digital learning experience;
- offer the users potential contexts for practicing the new acquired knowledge, skills or attitudes (workshops, trainings, seminars, international projects/exchanges etc.)

The activity can be developed in face-to-face sessions / workshops or virtually, have the introduction, initial assessment and after that letting the players to go through the levels (6-8 hours). At the end they go, again, through a final assessment and they can get the participation certificate.

A partnership is developed for the structures active as PlayPoints and the potential benefits are at least the followings:
- guidance in playing this historical educational game;
- introduction in video game development;
- invitation to join the planned development activities;
- technical support and other kinds of support that the potential participants might need;
- a space for interactions, discussions and opinion-sharing;
- certification as PlayPoint associated partner in this innovative project;
- potential support in preparing follow up projects in partnership, especially in the area of 2D/3D educational games, interactive media, online courses etc;
- if the current capabilities of your computers do not support the game, we can offer a subscription to a cloud server which allow you to fully enjoy the game;
- invitation to join, as partner, a follow up KA2 Partnership project in the area of 2D/3D educational games - interactive media which we prepare to be applied in the following months;

In special cases, if the organisation is organising a strong campaign with more than 20 participants, we can included dedicated budget for renting spaces, pieces of equipment, meals or/and we can be present in face to face or virtual sessions to support the efforts. More details will be established in the next steps.

The Spirit of Europe - Origins follows the story of Europe, throughout some key historical periods: Ancient Greece, The Roman Empire, Migration Period, The Viking Age, Middle Ages and Renaissance. History is not a dusted piece on a cold shelf, it is evidence of a vibrant humanity, with its all too familiar waltz of good and evil.

Embody a fragment of the mythical Europa and travel through history from the ancient times to the Renaissance, through the realm of thoughts and emotions, where spirits fight for supremacy over human consciousness. Experience a humanistic metaphor of historical events as we know them, possess over a hundred characters, drive their actions and witness their consequences in pivotal events of Europe’s past.

Experience history with a twist: The perspectives of Gods, personalized virtues and vices are different from those of mere mortals in the spirit world we’ve built inspired by archetypal stories, western philosophy and core principles which the modern western society is built on: peace, democracy, rule of law, freedom, tolerance, pluralism - and we’ll let you discover the rest.
Discover the forging of Europe & the birth of the western ethos: Possess any mortal, be it a mere commoner or a great figure of history. Drive their actions and learn about their way of life, beliefs, fears and hopes, aspirations and ambition - and you may be surprised at what you uncover.
Assemble your troops & manage your resources: Gain influence with the living and inspire them to build the great edifices we know today. Gather the souls of defeated vices and use them to summon allies from among those fallen throughout the ages. Augment them with godly essences for they will be your shield against the forces that seek your undoing - and you will witness how the bitterest foes can become allies.
By your hand shall history be made: Be the invisible hand that forges Europe’s history as we know it: from the ancient times of Classical Greece, throughout the glory of the Roman Empire, the tumult of its fall, the chaos that followed and the bonds formed in the Middle Ages. Your journey through Europe will only end once it’s reborn - or will it?

Game trailer:

● Free;
● Historically accurate educational content;
● Two realms: the spirit realm and the material one;
● Possession system, allowing you to take control of any NPC;
● Economy and building system used to upgrade and recruit units;
● Disciples II-inspired, tactical, turn-based combat;
● A deeply philosophical, fictional story-line involving gods, virtues, vices, concepts and thoughts, manifested as spirits;
● Over 15 hours of gameplay;
● 58 combat units with over 50 unique abilities;
● Over 240 NPCs to interact with, from ancient Greece to the 12th century European Renaissance;
● 13 unique maps offering over 20 quests;
● Possess & explore the world with over 240 characters, from mere commoners to great figures of European history.

Special note:
In order to gain access to the game, you will need to register & complete our initial assessment, consisting of a few history-based questions that can be found on the game’s website:

Game Website:







About Predict CSD Consulting (Predict Edumedia)
Predict CSD Consulting is specialized in building online educational products: e-courses, instructional, experiential & edutainment video games. With a few dozen educational products released, their efforts have furthered interactivity and innovation in the field of education - a mission we’re passionate about because learning is fun!

“The Spirit of Europe - Origins” was developed by Predict CSD Consulting, with inputs from international and local partners: Millenium Center – Romania, Euro - Net – Italy, IDEC – Greece and Inercia Digital S.L. - Spain.
“The Spirit of Europe - Origins” was made with the Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere.

Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998 – 2021, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.

This product was created with the financial support of the European Commission. The content of this material reflects the views only of the authors and the National Agency or the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information.

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Project overview

The Spirit of Europe – Origins – PlayPoints partners is a project by
Predict CSD Consulting
taking place
from 2022-07-01 till 2022-08-01
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Disability
  • Educational difficulties
  • Cultural differences
  • Health problems
  • Geographical obstacles

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