The Partner-Finding Tool
Topic: Gaining debating skills for better involvement in decision making in our communities.
The debate is considered to be one of the most important factors that are shaping a democratic society - it enables contact and discussion between people and groups representing different views and ideas for solutions. It should be a mean to discuss the various options and choose the best, as well as convince an opponent to your way of thinking. The debate should grow due to the possibility of training in preparing and presenting your point of view for the opponents and the audience. The debate allows you to train your ability to formulate a clear and transparent thoughts. Also, develops the art of public speaking.
The debate is also a tool to present your ideas, insights, and see the point of view of others. We are debating, to gather allies to implement our idea, to strengthen our position, and get to know opposite opinions. At the same time, the debate is a discussion of the principles and respect for the opinion of the other side. The debate is the best way to develop consensus and to understand the perspective of the opponents. In democratic countries the debate should be a tool to collect public opinion, and also to serve for resolving conflicts.
Art of the debate must be taught from an early age. It is an excellent method of working with young people of all ages and in many situations. It teaches primarily mutual listening; formulating arguments; putting thesis; presenting your position; drawing conclusions. The ability to debate develops on one side self-confidence, and on the other side teaches how to respect and understand the opinions of others. When we know how to debate, then we know to distinguish facts from beliefs and values. In the debate we do not appreciate others, do not valuate, but we argue about the facts. In modern times, in which the public space becomes a media space, the skills of debating are particularly important, and to know them means to know to respect and tolerate the other person, to understand his/her point of view, while they are stating their position. The debate is a way to make changes in the local community in which we work, because it allows to build a coalition around the ideas that you want to accomplish, and thus allows you to convert the theory into practice. At the same time discussing about it allows you to know the opinion of the interested parties, namely the youth. It's the best way to empowerment youth and get to know their point of view, as well as included them in decision-making process.
In each of the countries participating in the project, the culture of debate is still developing. We want to active participate in this process and include young people, which also wish to cast their vote. None of our countries do not have a long history of public debate in society. Art that teaches skills and ways of debating is very rare in the formal education system. Many people are afraid of discussion that often boils down to an argument and goes away from the kind of fact-based conversation, to reach for personal arguments at the end. Debates must therefore teach and encourage young people to be educated and strong for fighting with words. We believe that this is the way for developing civic awareness of young people, involving them in the decision-making process and, above all, the way to make decisions in democratic states.
The aim of the project "Power of words" is to increase the ability for using the debate as a tool for making impact on decision-making within our communities. During the 6 days of training we will explore methods of debating (including Balloon method, Town Hall, Oxford) and they will organize debates, with the use of these methods on topics related to youth. We want to exchange experiences in this field, talk about the ethic in the debate and reflect on the possibilities of using debate in our daily work with young people. The participation in this project will also constitute an opportunity to establish contacts with organizations from other countries and to improve the development of youth activities in the area of international cooperation.
The participants of all organizations already have the first experience in this field, but they want to develop this method of working, to see the way of thinking of their colleagues from other countries, to reflect and think together what to do in order to have the best results of debating.
Additional information:
Venue: Metz, France
Application form:
Deadline: 21.09.2020
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