TC aimed at youth workers to approach the layout & organization of the urban space considering the needs & desires of citizens, through a feminist perspective.

We are daily surrounded by urban spaces in which we transit and / or live but we are not used to considering how they are organized. Although historically the traditional urban policy tried to organize the spaces from an egalitarian point of view, with the development of capitalism the populations and the urban space have been built from productivist and market logics, leaving aside the humanizing aspect of the cities in the management of public space.

Moreover, the dichotomy between man - public space - and woman - private space - has also been a determinant in the construction of modern cities, which are built on a patriarchal urban policy model, which puts men in the center and leaves women in the background. We only need to look at the layout of the school playground, where even now, in most cases, the space par excellence, the largest and the most central is the football field, occupied mainly by children (boys). To their surroundings are relegated those "other" spaces where the girls tend to meet. This construction of the physical space determines the relationships and establishes gender dynamics and roles, creating, from very young, differences between boys and girls. In this way, we see that the construction of space has consequences in the development of social relations between the different people that inhabit these cities or contemporary municipalities, as well as in our day to day, in our living and doing. Without realizing it, we are the people who adapt to the spaces and not the spaces that adapt to people.
Since a few decades ago, some movements that propose a reconstruction of the public space have begun to emerge, as well as a private one, from a gender and feminist perspective. Its objective is to put people at the center of urban policy, rethinking the urban from a vision that is more inclusive, fair, equal, safe and without borders.

The objectives for this training are as follows:
O1. To create a space for learning, debating, analysing and exchanging knowledge and experiences.
O2. To provide tools to improve the detection and diagnosis of spaces and their distribution in the design of projects and the community intervention.
O3. To incorporate the feminist perspective in the organization and management of the spaces in which we live.
O4. To work the critical spirit and awareness of the urban reality that surrounds us.
O5. To promote the Erasmus+ program at the local level as a tool for the empowerment of professionals at the community and international sphere with young people.

The objectives described relate to the priorities of the Erasmus+ Program, as they promote the construction of public spaces (for instante, youth centers) and fairer cities, favoring equal opportunities and social inclusion; they also support trainers and youth workers working in the community field with young people to acquire new knowledge, skills and competences that will help them to develop themselves professionally and personally, while encouraging an active role as European citizens.

To achieve the objectives, TACC has organized a training course with a dynamic methodology and working from the territory with the help of experts. During a total of 7 days (5 working days + 2 travel days), the youth workers will approach the urban reality of modern European cities, and they will have the opportunity to delve into the role of the layout and organization of the space in the day to day of the person that inhabit it, in the hierarchies and positions of power, in the level of importance that is given to the needs and desires of the citizens in the creation of urban policies and in the level of inclusion of streets, squares, public facilities, gardens, etc. around them.
The final result will be an artistic intervention to make visible to the citizens of the city / municipality what the urban reality is and to invite them to de-construct the space and to contribute its vision on needs and uses. In this way, the final intervention will be the channeling of the acquired knowledge, of the community action and the wishes of the inhabitants and of the own creative capacity of the participants.

The project will take place in Barcelona for 5 days (plus 2 travel days) between October and November 2019.

WHO? Partners profile
For this TRAINING FOR TRAINERS we seek partners from 4 countries of the European Union with experience in the Erasmus+ Program, and we will consider those associations who:
- have experience in community intervention projects at the public and private space;
- have experience in women's empowerment projects or projects with feminist perspective;
- or projects with the target audience or particularly sensitive to the subject matter.

In order to apply for becoming our partner in this TRAINING FOR TRAINERS, we would like to kindly ask you to send us your updated PIF and to answer in 5-10 lines the following 3 questions (which we will include in the project proposal to be submitted):
1. Which experience does your organization have regarding the use of urban space through a feminist perspective?
2. How your organization will contribute to the training course (that is, activities that you will lead during the Training Course, as exchange of good practices)?
3. How the participant from your country will be able to spread the knowledge from the project in the local community?


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Project overview

Taller d'Art, Cultura i Creació
taking place
from 2019-10 till 2019-11
This project relates to:
Training and Networking

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