TC_CAY: Culture Adapted for Youth

Generating spaces for reflection&action among EU trainers on the accessibility&inclusion of ppl w/ functional diversity to artistic spaces&future cultural proj.

! In order to apply for becoming our partner in this training for youth workers about the inclusive culture, we would like to kindly ask you to fill in the following Google form. It will not take you more than ten minutes and it will be of great help to us. These questions will be included in the project proposal to be submitted):

For the 5 days + 2 travelling days of the project, the 10 professionals from 10 different organisations will participate in talks, workshops, debates and activities around the promotion of the inclusion of people with functional diversity in the cultural field: diagnosis of the current situation, awareness of the identified barriers and proposal of technological, communicative and social measures to involve the collective.
All this accompanied by the discussion and reflection on the situation in each country and the initiatives that have been carried out there.

By participating in this project youth workers will be able to:
1.0. Make the difficulties of accessibility to the culture of the collective with functional diversity visible.
1.1. Raise awareness of the lack of diversity of participants in artistic projects and be aware of the shared benefits of promoting it.
1.2. Share and exchange knowledge, initiatives and proposals made by different European countries among cultural institutions and entities that work with people with functional diversity.
1.3. Promote the identification and learning of measures to develop artistic projects that are more inclusive and accessible to these audiences and participants.
1.4. Propose the development of a joint inclusive artistic project where implementing the measures defined and learned during the training.

The TC will take place in July 2020, in Sabadell, a municipality 25km far from Barcelona (it takes around 35min by train from Barcelona city centre).
! Note that during the project we will NOT visit Barcelona.

Each country association will send 1 young worker (no age limit).

While there are no specific requirements related to country participation, we would be interested in participating countries linked to:
1.0. Art and culture: artistic and cultural organisations that have participated in or are interested in projects related to functional diversity and their inclusion.
1.1. Functional diversity: organizations linked to this group that work towards their inclusion and which have participated in or are interested in artistic projects.

NOTE: We will only consider those partnerships applications who send us their PIF and who answer the Google form provided:
Those applications without the google form filled will be automatically dismissed.

This project has been viewed 342 times.

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Project overview

TC_CAY: Culture Adapted for Youth is a project by
Taller d'Art, Cultura i Creació
taking place
from 2020-07 till 2020-07
This project relates to:
Training and Networking

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