Sustainable thinking - sustainable living

Sustainable and environment friendly practises are promoted and implemented in businesses and but is it really true in our daily lifestyle and mindset?

Sustainability – the new fashion. Sustainable and environment friendly practises are promoted, integrated and implemented into processes of businesses and activities of different organisations. - Erasmus+ itself puts more and more stress on sustainability practises and green travel to minimize the negative impacts which are created by participants taking part in mobility projects.

We will ignore template partnership proposal emails - if you don't pay couple minutes to read project proposal and personalize the email you send, how can we believe that you will dedicate time for high quality partnership? :)

Project's objectives:
1. 1. To analyse core reasons which prevents youngsters from environmentally friendly and sustainable habits and lifestyle in their daily routines;
2. To introduce the benefits and methods of sorting, global practices, sorting and recycling rules applied in different countries and encourage participants and their local communities to sort waste.
3. Introduce participants to sustainability priority in Erasmus+ programme and reasoning behind it as well as environmental commitments of countries inside EU.

Each partner will select 6 young participants (plus 1 group leader) aged 17 – 26 years (no age limit for group leader). At least 2 young participants will be facing fewer opportunities (social, geographical, migrant background obstacles or other).
Exchange will be prepared, implemented, disseminated and the programme of exchange will be facilitated together with young participants, so please keep in mind that full involvement of participants will be expected.

Dates of the project: 1st - 9th of June, 2023 (+1 travel day).
Project will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania

Exchange programme will include (in addition to typical youth exchange activities):
* waste sorting workshop
* meeting with environmentalist
* analysing daily habits and "turning" them into more sustainable ones;
* creating action plan how to encourage others to think more sustainably and sort waste responsibly;
* green travel principles and arranging your own green travel;
* creative workshop "Car free day"

If you would be interested to join, please send us email to with your PIF and answer couple questions:
1. What are your dissemination channels? (please write your website and/or Facebook page address if they are not identified in PIF; also, local schools/universities or other organisations/institutions with whom you have good connection/relation)
2. What are your organisation's needs and experience in relation to project's topic.

Looking forward to our collaboration!

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Project overview

Sustainable thinking - sustainable living is a project by
Unique Projects
taking place
from 2023-06-01 till 2023-06-09
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Environment
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences
  • Health problems
  • Geographical obstacles

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