Straw and clay for sustainability

This project is focused on learning about sustainable construction methods. We aim to teach our participants the use of natural materials in architecture.

We are planning to make a two week project at the end of the summer. The purpose of this exchange is to draw the attention of young people to the importance of environmentalism and to teach them how to use natural materials for building. They are going to learn in a practical way how to use wood, straw bale and clay properly. This program is not only about building but also giving the participants the necessary knowledge that they can later implement in their everyday life. We are planning to make lectures, presentations on the importance of the use of local and sustainable building matterials and the proper way of using them. Here we have straw and clay which are widely available so people from many countries can benefit from this program.
Other than popularizing an ecologically friendly attitude we would also like to emphasize the beauty and importance of community based living and activities. We strongly believe that living in a community and carrying out tasks together can significantly contribute to the well being of our participants and team leaders. For further information please take a look at our facebook page here:
Participants are going to be accomodated in special ’yurt’ tents that they share among 4-5 of them.
They can use outdoor passive solar showers and composting toilets - that are rather comfortable to use. The location is near Budapest the capital city of Hungary, but is also a remote area which is a agricultural area among some hills. This is also a nice and welcoming place for nature loving people.

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Project overview

Straw and clay for sustainability is a project by
Játszoda Egyesület
taking place
from 2019-08 till 2019-08
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Environment
  • Non-formal learning
  • Sustainable development

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