Strategic Human Rights meeting point

The project plans to develop projects that imply a relation between the public space & Human Rights, maintaining youth as the main actors all along the project.

The project we would like to develop focuses on the issue of Human Rights, worked by youth, through the use, transformation and shape of public space.
Youth are going to be the main actors within the process; they should have the opportunity to actively participate, learn, develop knowledges and abilities in different fields; they should feel empowered as agents of change.
The urgency of re-think and work on Human Rights (which seem something well established while concretely less and less fundamental on the ground) meet with the necessity of doing it through the public space, considered itself a fundamental right. The public space is intended as a place of equal opportunities, debate, contestation, political, social, cultural and religious participation for everybody.
The idea is to establish a web of entities working on human rights with young people in order to establish relations, exchange good practices and experiences, promote reciprocal cooperation and innovation. Concretely, this would translate in specific projects and outcomes defined by all the actors involved.

TACC, Taller d’ Art, Cultura i Creació, was born in 2010 as a non-profit platform for the spread of art, culture and design produced by youth. We develop socio-educative projects in which arts and culture become instruments of social transformation; youth and the international sphere represent two central pillars on which we base our work methodology.
We are looking for 5 entities working on Human Rights with young people which would be interested (or have already experience) in planning and developing projects that imply a relation between the public space and human rights, maintaining youth as the main actors all along the project.

We have a set of objectives related to the project:
-Work on the concept of Human Rights for it to stand clear, visible and knowable to young people as well as to the wider citizenry.
-Make visible Human Rights’ state of vulnerability and depreciation in general and in specific cases/situations as well as specific target groups (migrants, women, LGBT people, gypsy population …)
-Work these topics through the public space, recognizing it not just as a mean but as a right in itself, a place where to play out one’s own rights, a space of opportunities to fully participate in the collective public life and manifest one’s own personal beliefs.
-Keep the youth as the main actors and beneficiaries of the project in all its phases.
-Reinforce the capacities of the entities involved, interchange good practices and create long-term trajectories that these same entities can continue developing even once the project is over.
The following results should be:
-Creation of knowledge on Human Rights and their exercise.
-Creation of awareness on the state of vulnerability experienced by Human Rights and specific situations in which they are violated.
-Spread discussion on the role of public spaces as places where to practice and play out one’s own and collective rights.
-Concrete moments and practices through which reclaim Human Rights through the public space.
-Inclusion and empowerment of young people through active participation.
-For young people to gain intersectional skills and knowledges.
-Establishment of a web/database of the activities, good practices, information and educational materials developed and realized all along the process.
-Creation of enduring relationships and possible future projects between the entities involved in the project.

We would like to discuss and establish a way of intervention together with all the partners; possibilities can space from artistic interventions to conferences, debates, performances, workshops, film screenings, physical and material interventions, and so on.
An important feature of the partnership is for us to be able to create and show concrete results once the project will be over such as proven strategies, studies, materials, something to be spread for common knowledge. Also, possibly, to leave something that remains in place locally and which continues to serve a purpose for its community of reference.


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Project overview

Strategic Human Rights meeting point is a project by
Taller d'Art, Cultura i Creació
taking place
from 2019-07-01 till 2021-06-30
This project relates to:
Strategic Partnerships
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

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