Strategic EVS project "Happy kids, better Europe 4"

The project will be implemented in 16 Polish HO. Prom Foundation will be the leader and CO. We have planned 3 full rounds of long-term EVS.

Now We are searching fo partners (SO) and volunteers to take part in the second round of the project. Details at the end of description.

The project will be implemented during next 2,5 years (01.02.2018 - 30.04.2020) in 16 different hosting organisations. Prom Foundation will be the leader and coordinating organisation.
We have planned 3 full rounds of long-term EVS:
- 01.03.2018 - 28.02.2019 for 17 participants
- 01.09.2018 - 30.06.2019 for 16 participants
- 01.03.2019 - 28.02.2020 for 17 participants

As a strategic EVS project it will also contain an extra component including:
- 4 workshops for volunteers, Hosting organisations, extra external partners (representatives of Education Department in Municipal Office of Wrocław and Wrocław's University - Faculty of Anthropolgy and Culture). For two of four workshops We would like to invite also the participants from Sending Organisations.
We will work on 4 subjects:
- communication methods and ideas for breaking the language barriers,
- learning how to work with (international) volunteers,
- ways to develop international cooperation,
- work with stereotypes and intercultural group.

As a final result of workshops and testing in HO We will prepare a "guide". The book will be printed and sent to all our partners and kindergartens in Wrocław. And also available online.
At the end We will organise workshops (with volunteers from the last round) based on this book, for kindergartens' teachers that are not involved in Erasmus+ yet, to spread the idea of EVS wider and wider in the city.

Partnership proposal:
As a partner organisation you will be responsible for:
- searching and selecting an appropriate candidate according to the criteria form attached "call for volunteers"
- taking part in the "strategic" part of the project (by filling in an online questionaire twice a project and taking part in workshops - only two chosen SO)

and, as usual in standard EVS projects, for:

- preparation, support and monitoring of the volunteer before, meanwhile and after the EVS activity. It implies having a regular contact with the volunteer during the whole project and support him/her in case problems arise that cannot be solved by the volunteer or the hosting organization.

- explaining to the volunteer the overall process of an EVS project, since the application until the final evaluation, and the role, rights and duties of every actor involved.

- arranging the insurance of the volunteer.

- assisting the volunteer with the international travel and visa (when needed) arrangements.

- providing the Coordinating Organization with any information needed for the final report.

-ensuring the participation of the volunteer in the evaluation of the activity, provide support to the volunteer to help him/her reintegrate into the home community after the project and give him/her the opportunity to exchange and share experiences.

- encouraging the involvement of the volunteer in dissemination and exploitation of results and providing guidance regarding further education, training or employment opportunities.

-providing brief mid-term and final report to the Coordinating Organization.

- ensuring that volunteer will pass an online Polish language skills test before and after the mobility - obligatory

In strategic project We do not need the mandate template, your writen confirmation will be enough. The partnership will be full and we will sign the Project Agreement after you will select an appropriate candidate and after We will accept him/her for the project. It means that the partnership depends on the recruitment results. Now We recruite volunteers for the second round (01.09.2018 - 30.06.2019).

This project has been viewed 337 times.

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Project overview

Strategic EVS project "Happy kids, better Europe 4" is a project by
Fundacja Integracji Społecznej Prom
taking place
from 2018-02-01 till 2020-04-30
This project relates to:
Volunteering Activities (formerly EVS)
and is focusing on:
  • Children
  • Integration
  • Non-formal learning
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Economic obstacles
  • Cultural differences
  • Geographical obstacles

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