Stay Safe!

Stay Safe on the internet! Protect yourself and your personal data. If you think that you have nothing to hide - think again.

We will ignore emails which don't include three questions - answers from the end of the description.
MUTUAL PARTNERSHIP would be appreciated.

Internet safety or online safety or cyber safety or E-Safety is trying to be safe on the internet and is the knowledge of maximizing the user's personal safety and security risks to private information and property associated with using the internet, and the self-protection from computer crime. However, very often, especially between youngsters, internet safety and data privacy and security is not considered of high importance and they only rarely take additional actions or use privacy tools to ensure their safety on internet.

Project's objectives:
- To analyse the reasons of irresponsible online behaviour together with “I have nothing to hide” phenomenom.
- To learn about benefits of using privacy tools
- To change attitude and behaviour with private personal data, using improved digital skills
- To promote Erasmus+ programme and its objectives

Each partner will select 6 young participants (plus 1 group leader) aged 16 – 24 years (no age limit for group leader). At least 2 young participants will be facing fewer opportunities (economic, social, geographical obstacles or other).

Exchange will be prepared, implemented, disseminated and the programme of exchange will be facilitated together with young participants, so please keep in mind that full involvement of participants will be expected.

Dates of the project: 1st - 8th of August, 2020 (9th - travel day).
Project will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania

Exchange programme will include (in addition to typical youth exchange activities):
*introducing and analysing GDPR
*presenting and practically learning how to use privacy tools
*situational play "Identity theft"
*World cafe discussion
*analysing reasons and consequences of irresponsible and spontaneus online behaviour
*case analysis on identity theft and online (shopping) fraud issues
*movie, related to online fraud / internet safety, analysis

If you would be interested to join, please send us email to with your PIF and answer couple questions:
1. What are your dissemination channels? (website address, Facebook page, names of schools / institutions with which you collaborate?)
2. Please identify 1 activity, related to internet safety, which you will bring to the project as partner's contribution.
3. Priority in partner selection will be given for the ones with mutual partnership proposal.
Looking forward to our collaboration!

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Project overview

Stay Safe! is a project by
Unique Projects
taking place
from 2020-08-01 till 2020-08-08
This project relates to:
Youth Exchanges
and is focusing on:
  • Media and communication
  • Non-formal learning
  • Social media
This project can include young people with fewer opportunities like
  • Social obstacles
  • Economic obstacles
  • Health problems
  • Geographical obstacles

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